Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas

Children - Coming of Age
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/15/2024
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Author Biography

Nicole Oke is an award winning children’s book author, mother, and member of the wildland firefighting community. She is based in Boise, Idaho where she works at the National Interagency Fire Center and spends her spare time helping to build tomorrow's leaders as a Girl Scout volunteer.

Nicole is a champion for social emotional intelligence and as a parent of two girls with big emotions she understands the importance of teaching children the skills they need to identify, process, and regulate emotions.

Her debut bestselling book, Penny Panda and the Gift of Possibility, was the first in a series of books that provide children and parents with the tools to talk about emotions and emotional skills that will last them a lifetime!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

In Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas by Nicole Oke, a talent show is ready to begin. Izzy is so excited! She will be dancing. She peeks at the crowd and suddenly realizes she is nervous too. Izzy is confused about how she can be feeling both excitement and nervousness. She quickly seeks out her stuffed panda Penny. Penny has Izzy observe her fellow performers, who she discovers are also looking nervous. Then Penny explains that, like ninjas, emotions can be sneaky. Sometimes, you feel multiple emotions at the same time, and sometimes, what you think is one emotion can be hiding another one. Will Izzy be able to control her feelings so she can dance in the show?

Emotional regulation is a necessary skill for kids (and adults) to master. Nicole Oke has used a familiar scenario, performing in front of an audience, to introduce her emotion ninjas. The emotion ninjas are illustrated perfectly by Richard Hoit. Each of them is a different color and embodies their emotion. For example, the nervous ninja has a shield to protect Izzy from what might go wrong. Kids will be able to identify their emotions and why they appear at certain times. The message is clear that emotions aren't good or bad, and we are in control of them, not the other way around. Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas is an outstanding introduction to emotional awareness that will empower kids to control their emotions. I highly recommend this book for preschool and kindergarten classrooms.

Philip Van Heusen

Ninjas are amazing and helpful, and they can appear out of nowhere. In Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas, Nicole Oke compares human emotions to ninjas, who protect us from anything that can hurt our bodies or feelings. Izzy is about to perform on stage and is suddenly hit with nervousness and excitement at the same time. Having two emotions at once is confusing, but she learned that it is very common to have two or more emotions at a time. Izzy has a stuffed panda named Penny, who helps her understand how to use and control emotions. Realizing that each emotion has a particular job, it is wise to know your emotional ninjas and how they affect you. One of the most important lessons about emotions is that you are the boss of your emotional ninjas.

Emotions can be scary, causing one to run from danger, or encouraging, giving one the power to face the unknown. Nicole Oke's Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas helps children learn the power of emotions and how to use them properly. Her writing style is engaging and makes it easy for children to grasp the information. Children will love the illustrations by Richard Hoit. His artwork brings the story to life. As a parent, you want your child to be confident and successful. The lessons in this book will help your child become emotionally strong and learn that even fear and anger serve a good purpose. Be sure to discuss the various emotions with your child and help them learn how to control their emotional ninjas. How will being the boss of their feelings help your child achieve their goals?

Laura Imaz

Nicole Oke's Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas follows Izzy, a little girl ready to compete in a large talent contest. Although she is delighted to participate, she becomes nervous when she learns about the large crowd that awaits her. How could she have so many different feelings at the same time? With her amazing buddy Penny Panda by her side, she finds her friends are feeling the same way she is. From that point on, Izzy will discover the various emotion ninjas that exist within her. Beginning with the lively Excitement Ninja and progressing to the protective Nervous Ninja, this little girl will learn to manage her emotions rather than allow them to dominate her. With the help of this endearing picture book, let's learn the significance of each emotion!

In an enjoyable and laid-back manner, Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas guides young readers on a quest to discover their individual feelings. I was amazed at how well Nicole Oke was able to convey such a difficult subject to kids. Since emotions are commonly seen as "good" or "bad," which frequently results in improper management of the "bad" ones, the significance of books like this one is invaluable. To grow up properly, one must embrace all feelings, and this book explains each emotion's function as well as a child's role in managing them. The vivid pictures by Richard Hoit contribute to the enjoyment of reading. Any parent wanting to teach their child the power of emotions should grab this book.

Emma Megan

Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas by Nicole Oke is a must-have for every child's bookshelf. It follows Izzy, who is about to go on stage and dance. Her parents and little sister are in the audience, waiting for her to step on stage. However, when Izzy sees how many people are in the crowd, she feels excited but also nervous. She then tells her special stuffed panda, Penny, about her confusion—that she feels two emotions at once and doesn't understand how that's possible. Fortunately, with Penny's help, Izzy understands that it's okay to simultaneously feel two or more emotions. Penny also helps her understand the role of emotions and how they can benefit her. Now, Izzy knows there are also sneakier emotions, like ninjas, and learns the most important thing about them: that she's the boss of her own emotions.

Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas by Nicole Oke is a vibrant and engaging children's picture book that helps young readers understand and navigate their emotions effectively. It also helps them develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence at a young age by showing that it is normal to have big emotions that change quickly from positive ones to uncomfortable or difficult ones, and, most importantly, that they can manage and process them in healthy ways. This book is an excellent resource for introducing young ones to the important emotional skill of identifying and dealing with difficult emotions. Children will love the charming, well-crafted illustrations by Richard Hoit and befriending all the cute emotion ninjas in the book. I highly recommend this book as it's fun, informative, and inspiring.

Diana Lopez

Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas by Nicole Oke will allow children to control their feelings and actions. Izzy is excited because she is going to dance in her school's talent show. However, she gets nervous when she sees the crowd, thinking everyone will be watching her. This confuses her, and she wonders how she can have two different feelings simultaneously. So Izzy goes to Penny, her stuffed panda, for help. Penny encourages her to look around, and together, they notice how other children seem anxious too. Then Penny explains that it's normal to feel more than one emotion at a time because each emotion has a job to do. Some are easy to understand, but others are more stealthy, like ninjas. Finally, the panda teaches Izzy to analyze her feelings and understand their purpose to help her regain control.

I loved Nicole Oke's narrative style for its empathy and simplicity. The dialogue offers clear and precise explanations and is not limited to the use of positive emotions. For example, when discussing fear, Penny explains how this feeling helps keep Izzy safe from potential danger. The story is educational and helpful, allowing children to follow Izzy's example in learning to feel safer by identifying and managing their own feelings and thoughts. It also fosters empathy by showing that other people also face similar situations. The narrative is fun, with engaging images and charming characters. Each emotion is associated with a different color, making it easy to understand. Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas provides a creative and entertaining way to support young readers' emotional development.

Carol Thompson

Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas is a delightful, energetic journey into the world of feelings, perfect for young readers navigating their emotional landscapes. Nicole Oke’s charming story follows Izzy as she prepares for a talent show, with the adorable and wise Penny Panda guiding her through the whirlwind of emotions she experiences. The friendship between Izzy and Penny Panda highlights how Penny supports Izzy, showing the power of having a good friend to rely on for help with life’s most challenging times. What makes this book unique is the concept of the “Emotion Ninjas,” each representing a different emotion, such as excitement, fear, or joy. This gives children a fun, tangible way to understand and embrace their feelings.

Nicole Oke teaches that emotions don’t have to be overwhelming and that children can control their feelings. This is a powerful and empowering takeaway. The illustrations by Richard Hoit are bright and colorful, adding personality to each little ninja and Penny Panda. Penny Panda and the Emotion Ninjas is both educational and entertaining, making it an excellent read for children learning to navigate their emotions, and adults will appreciate the gentle, reassuring way Oke handles complex feelings. The story is heartwarming and fun while teaching valuable lessons such as self-acceptance and emotional balance. It’s perfect for bedtime reading or when a child feels stressed, fearful, or overly emotional. This book should be in every preschool and early elementary classroom as it’s an excellent “tool” for those moments when emotions run high.