Peppy and the Giant Snowball

Children - Christian
34 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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Author Biography

M. D. Jones lives in Ohio with his wife Andrea, and has four amazing kids. M. D. has been helping families for over thirty years, serving in churches and schools throughout the United States and around the globe. His hope in writing the Peppy adventures is to encourage children and families in the values of family and faith.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Peppy and the Giant Snowball by M.D. Jones is a children’s Christian picture book. Peppy the penguin was thrilled when he woke up to find it was snowing hard. After breakfast, he and his brothers and sisters dressed warmly and headed out to play. When Peppy suggested building a giant snowball, nobody could have guessed what would happen next. When they rolled their giant snowball down the hill to make it bigger, they all cheered it on but then suddenly realized the baby of the family, Bellybutton, had disappeared. Where could he be? Peppy must race the snowball to save Bellybutton. Will he get to Bellybutton in time?

Peppy and the Giant Snowball by M. D. Jones is a short story about a family of penguins. The illustrations by Jonathon Taylor are amazing and colorful and help bring the story to life. This is a fun story, but it also teaches kids that courage is important, as is family. Peppy shows that he will do whatever it takes to save his brother from danger, no matter how much danger he puts himself in. It also teaches kids to have faith, not just in themselves and their families, but in God, too. At the end of the book is a short series of “huddle up” questions, testing children on how well they understand the messages in the story and how they can show faith in their family and God. This is a wonderful story told by the author to his kids when they were young and based on real events from his own childhood – real experiences always make the best stories. Highly recommended for kids of all ages.