Poorly Wrapped Gifts

Rising and Thriving After Infidelity

Non-Fiction - Relationships
304 Pages
Reviewed on 09/01/2024
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Author Biography

Sujata Patel is a newly emerging author who writes about working through life’s challenges and exposing the gifts contained within. Her passion is in turning her own life adversities into someone else’s support and guidance so that they may live more meaningful lives. Inspired by her own devastating experiences with infidelity, Sujata wanted to write an authentic and "real" book about many of the challenges during the healing process so readers felt validated and not so alone on their journeys. Her first book, Poorly Wrapped Gifts, is a memoire and self-help book about rising and thriving after infidelity.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Christine Nguyen for Readers' Favorite

Poorly Wrapped Gifts: Rising and Thriving after Infidelity by Sujata Patel is her account of navigating through infidelity. Her first marriage to Jeff ended in divorce when he had an affair. She embarks on a new relationship with Nick, dating him for six years, but her happy world collapses again when she discovers that Nick has cheated on her. The author makes the tough decision to stay in the relationship and shares her painful journey toward reconciliation. She goes beyond dealing with cheating and its aftermath and delves deeper into reconnecting with one’s true self. She discovers that she and Nick cannot fix each other, but that they must first heal themselves to come together to build a stronger partnership. She provides the tools she learned to help readers process this devastating life event so that it can lead them on a new path to growth, empowerment, and transformation.

Author Sujata Patel shares her intimate journey with a raw openness and vulnerability that draws readers in immediately. Her authenticity and honesty make her very relatable, making her feel like a close friend. I like that she continuously emphasizes how healing and forgiveness are not a linear process and that there is no set timeline, helping to alleviate any pressure people may feel. I found her recommendation of the H.A.L.T method very easy to practice in dealing with triggers. Poorly Wrapped Gifts: Rising and Thriving after Infidelity helps guide readers to find the strength, resilience, and beauty within themselves to overcome any obstacles.