Princess Rio

Romances of The Chivalrous Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
266 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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Author Biography

Sapphire Lebesque dwells on Cloud Nine on the liminal fault line where mortal and magic worlds collide. She wanders to and fro, seeking out stories of troubled rulers, scorned princesses and maligned queens. Oftentimes, she dons the guise of one to capture their deepest secrets. Sapphire is timeless, mayhap eternal. like the fae kingdoms she frequents, scribing the lives and loves of their heroes and heroines.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Princess Rio: Romances of The Chivalrous Book 1 is a young adult fantasy novel by Sapphire Lebesque in which the titular heroine is sent from her mountain kingdom of Asprei to marry Crown Prince Geoff of Zastrona as part of a strategic alliance. Faced with the fear of an arranged marriage and the unknown, Princess Rio must navigate the dangers of travel, court intrigue, and rivalries, including the scheming Lady Floriana. As Rio sacrifices her own future to protect her kingdom from marauding orcs, she wonders if her new life will bring love or heartbreak. This romantic fantasy explores themes of bravery, loyalty, and destiny.

Author Sapphire Lebesque’s intricate world-building and immersive medieval setting vividly transport readers to a richly imagined fantasy realm where it feels like anything is possible, and that’s a really rare and enjoyable quality to capture. The compelling character dynamics are a strong central core of the novel, particularly the interplay between Princess Rio and her many rivals, showcasing Lebesque’s skill in creating engaging and multifaceted personalities that come alive with vivid dialogue and witty banter. Lebesque's ability to blend romance with political intrigue is also to be celebrated as this offers a sophisticated take on YA interpersonal drama that is deeper and more complex than most novels of this kind. This allows the characters to have varied and interesting motivations and puts Rio to the test with different challenges as we root for her personal growth and success in all the different facets of being a princess. Overall, Princess Rio is a highly recommended read for fans of accomplished YA fantasy everywhere.