Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
137 Pages
Reviewed on 09/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Have you ever heard of the inner horse spirit? Goddess Epona, the guardian of horses, bestowed this mystical gift, forging a special, magical bond between humans and horses. It was a bond that would protect the island of Epos from harm. But, over time, people lost this enchanted connection and Epos was no longer protected. In Carole Mae Booth’s Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses, the royal family returns to Epos, only to discover a fearful threat to the island and that the enchanted horses are missing. Princess Whinny and her new friend, an enchanted horse named Ebony, set out to make things right again, to bring back the enchanted horses. Will they succeed? Or will they, too, be lost in the dust of evil invaders?

Carole Mae Booth’s middle-grade novel, Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses, is a charming, sweet story about magical horses and a special bond that exists between humans and horses. The plot follows the young princess, Winnifred, or Whinny as her new horse friend calls her, as she navigates the perils of the island of Epos that she desperately wants to save. The story itself is enchanting and young readers will instantly be swept away in the fantasy and adventure and the beauty of these special horses. The language is simple enough to help young readers trying to improve their reading skills. The illustrations are spectacular and add another magical element to the plot. The characters are well developed and the dialogue is used effectively. But the battles being fought are far from over and readers will want to find out more about Princess Whinny and her adventures with the enchanted horses of Epos.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

In Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses by Carole Mae Booth, the Goddess Epona gave the people who lived on the Island of Epos the gift of bonding with horses through the inner horse spirit. Princess Winnifred hears the call of a disembodied voice, and even though her father hears it too, he insists they must remain in the Northern Isles instead of going back to his homeland in Epos. The princess wishes on a star to assist the magical creatures on the Island of Epos on her twelfth birthday, and a horse arrives with an urgent message, urging her family to depart for the Island of Epos at once. An evil man with orange hair, Egann, persuaded the townspeople to believe the enchanted horses were destroying their way of life, and the horses hadn't been seen since the man led a mob of people to the western shore. Princess Whinny and her father promise to find the enchanted horses and protect them.

Carole Mae Booth wrote her enchanting tale with inspiration from a younger and a more senior horse with which she interacts. Booth includes fantastically vibrant pictures that complement her beautiful words and teach lessons about trust, working together, and true friendship. Princess Whinny experienced a moment when three girls made fun of her for her special gift, but her true friend embraced her special talent. Children may identify with Princess Whinny if they have revealed a special part of themselves that has been rejected or accepted. Even though there are a couple of dark characters, this lighthearted adventure is easy to read for children who are beginning chapter books, and the ending will prepare readers for another installment in the series. Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses is a great book for young readers who enjoy horses and fantasy stories.

Pikasho Deka

Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses is a children's fantasy adventure novella by Carole Mae Booth. Princess Winnifred (Whinny) of the Northern Isles wants to celebrate her upcoming twelfth birthday on the magical island of Epos, the homeland of her father, King William, where enchanted horses roam the skies with the blessing of Goddess Epona. After coming across the enchanted horse, Ebony, Princess Whinny receives a message that the magical horses of Epos are in grave danger. Alongside her parents, Princess Whinny sails on the Enchantress to Epos and soon discovers that, months ago, an evil, orange-haired man had roused the mob and driven the magical horses away. Meanwhile, Queen Morrigain, ruler of the island of Vorax, hatches a nefarious plan to steal the gifts of Epona from Epos' Royal treasury. Now, Whinny must transform and fulfill her destiny.

A fantasy adventure tale filled with magic and wonder, Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses will delight young and preteen readers alike. Author Carole Mae Booth has built a uniquely fascinating magical world featuring creatures such as flying horses, cat-sized dragons, evil bards with spellbinding voices, and more. Aside from the story, the book also features some mesmerizing digital artwork that makes the narrative even more immersive for the reader. All the main characters are likable and easy to root for. Princess Whinny and Dumpling's relationship is as compelling as King William and Ebony's bond. The ending hints at the story being far from over and leaves room for a sequel. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and I'd love to read any future installments. Young fantasy readers are in for a treat!

Kayleigh Perumal

Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses by Carole Mae Booth is a children’s fantasy adventure set in a royal kingdom in the Northern Isles. The story is centered around Princess Whinny and her family, who possess the gift of the inner horse spirit, which allows them to communicate with horses. When Princess Whinny hears an enigmatic call for help, she feels compelled to use her special bond to save the enchanted horses. Despite her father’s reluctance to set sail to the Island of Epos, a unique visitor helps Princess Whinny to convince him otherwise. But will they arrive in time to protect the horses from impending evil?

Carole Mae Booth’s writing is descriptive and well-suited to engage her intended audience of older children and preteens. The narrative contains vivid imagery, which helps young readers visualize the magical world of Epos and its fantastical creatures. The dialogue throughout Princess Whinny and the Enchanted Horses provides insight into the characters and conveys strong emotions, which makes the story relatable and sincere. The book also strikes a good balance between action and introspection, as Princess Whinny confronts her self-doubts and fears of failure. This duality adds another layer of depth to the story, making it an adventure and an inspiring tale of courage. Although the protagonist is only 12, her determination and compassion are transparent. Her concrete resolve to help Epos influences readers to believe that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to for a noble cause.