Ready Set Dance

Getting Ready for Your First Dance Class

Children - Preschool
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Cheryl P Rupe for Readers' Favorite

Ready, Set, Dance: Getting Ready for Your First Dance Class by Once Upon a Dance is a fun book to teach a child who wants to dance, and their parents, what to expect. Trying something new at any age can be difficult. This book explains the outfits, how to wear your hair, shoes, poses, how to pronounce some of the words, the importance of taking turns, the importance of practice and not expecting perfection and so much more. By the time both the adult and the student have finished reading this book, they will go into their first class prepared with the basics of a dance class. As a bonus, there are pointers for adults as well as activities to keep young dancers busy.

Ready, Set, Dance has it all. The author, Once Upon a Dance, is well versed in dance and very good at explaining what a new dancer can expect at their first dance class. The one page having the new dancer pick out a leotard, tights, and a tutu is a great idea. I like how the graphics are of different animals rather than people, and the word 'grown-ups' instead of 'parent.' The helpful hints page for grown-ups helps the adult know what to expect. Adults also get nervous when trying something new. I think all readers will love the printable activities. The certificate of merit helps the dancer focus on being brave for trying something new and not on their ability to dance, which could help everyone who reads this book to have a better outlook on trying new things.