Red Barn Tales

Non-Fiction - Autobiography
652 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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Author Biography

Jason K. Macomson is a practicing veterinarian and former public school teacher and administrator in Lavonia, Georgia, one of the best small towns in America. He continues to practice small animal veterinary medicine with Dr. Patrick Hitchcock at Lavonia Animal Hospital.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Grant Leishman for Readers' Favorite

Red Barn Tales by Jason K. Macomson DVM is a wonderfully nostalgic autobiography that also dabbles as a tribute to the author’s mentor and great friend, veterinarian Patrick Hitchcock of Lavonia Animal Hospital, Georgia. The author has spent almost all his life in and around the small town of Lavonia, North East Georgia. From a working-class family that moved around the district a lot in his younger days, the one constant in the author’s life was animals and his deep love for all animals. As soon as Jason was old enough, he begged his aunt to put in a good word for him at the local animal hospital to allow him to volunteer there, to fulfill his desire to be around animals and maybe even score a paying job at the animal hospital one day. It was there he would meet and come to deeply admire and respect a man who would play such a pivotal role in his adolescence, teenage years, and onward into adulthood; Patrick Hitchcock. From the early days at the animal clinic, Jason Macomson was determined to become a qualified veterinarian and follow in the footsteps of his mentor. This autobiography traces Jason’s journey from his earliest days through to receiving his diploma and licensing certificate as a practicing veterinarian.

Red Barn Tales is a substantial and yet extremely satisfying read. Author Jason K. Macomson DVM has woven a delightful story of determination to succeed underpinned by a tribute to his mentor, sprinkled with numerous animals he encountered and often played a part in saving. What I appreciated most as a city boy was the detailed descriptions of the many surgeries that the author would assist his mentor in undertaking, often saving the animal’s life. It wasn’t all success and happiness though as he doesn’t shy away from retelling the pain, anguish, and loss when a beloved pet or farm animal cannot be saved, despite the vet’s best efforts. The author’s empathy with the animals’ plights and his understanding of the grieving process for the pets’ owners shines through this narrative like a beacon. As the author describes, sometimes the best answer for the animal and its owner is the gentle release of euthanasia. I particularly enjoyed that the author didn’t focus solely on his work with animals but gave readers a wonderful social commentary on growing up in a semi-rural environment before the age of mass communication. For someone like myself, of a similar age to the author, this was a trip down memory lane. Although some of the medical procedures described may be a touch vivid for the squeamish reader, I was impressed with the matter-of-fact and clinical manner the author used to describe these techniques. This is a warm, relatable read that reminds me of the gentleness of a James Herriot story. If you love animals, you will love Red Barn Tales.

K.C. Finn

Red Barn Tales is a work of non-fiction in the autobiography, inspirational, and veterinary profession genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Jason K. Macomson, this charming memoir recounts the author's experiences growing up in Lavonia, Georgia, during the late 70s, 80s, and 90s. Aspiring to be a veterinarian, Macomson began working at Lavonia Animal Hospital at age twelve and later lived and worked there while attending college. The book, filled with warmth, humor, and emotion, offers an inspirational look into the lives of the clients and animals he encountered, under the mentorship of the esteemed Dr. Patrick Hitchcock. Macomson’s vivid recollections of growing up in Lavonia transported me to a simpler time, filled with genuine human and animal connections where his early passion for veterinary medicine is beautiful to witness.

Author Jason K. Macomson has crafted a heartwarming and nostalgic journey and the rewards of getting to know him and his unique life are plentiful as a result. His dedication to his work is inspiring and permeates the narrative with a natural warmth and enthusiasm that is evident on every page, reflecting a deep love for animals and commitment to their well-being. The anecdotes about the clients and animals he treated were touching and often humorous, showing the profound impact a rural veterinary practice can have on a community and demonstrating some brilliant narrative and reporting skills. The warmth and sincerity with which Macomson writes made the book feel like a collection of cherished memories shared by a close friend, and it left me with a renewed appreciation for the veterinary profession and the special bond between humans and animals. Overall, Red Barn Tales is a highly recommended read for anyone who adores animals, memoirs, and true-life inspirational stories.

Carol Thompson

In Red Barn Tales, Jason K. Macomson invites readers into the heartwarming tapestry of his life growing up in Lavonia, Georgia, during the late 70s, 80s, and 90s. Centered around his deep-seated ambition to become a veterinarian, the narrative unfolds with a nostalgic charm that is as endearing as it is enlightening. From the tender age of twelve, Macomson is drawn into the world of veterinary care at Lavonia Animal Hospital. What starts as a boyhood fascination soon evolves into a lifelong passion, culminating in his residency and work at the clinic that shaped his dreams. Through his anecdotes, he paints a vivid portrait of rural life, where each day brings new challenges and heartwarming interactions with both clients and their beloved animals.

Jason K. Macomson skillfully weaves together stories that capture the essence of community, showcasing the bond between humans and their animal companions. His recollections are not just about medical procedures and diagnoses but also the relationships formed. Central to the narrative is the influence of Dr. Patrick Hitchcock, a towering figure in the field of veterinary medicine. Through Macomson’s eyes, Dr. Hitchcock is not only a mentor but a source of inspiration and wisdom, shaping his career and approach to life. The prose is rich with detail, transporting readers to a time when life moved at a slower pace and connections were made face-to-face. Red Barn Tales is a must-read for animal lovers, aspiring veterinarians, and anyone who appreciates the profound beauty of life's everyday stories. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.