Remnants of a Scarlet Flame

The Last Draegion Saga Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
461 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

After the Saphyrum War, the sorcerers became power-hungry and lorded over other races, taking control of various sects. Remnants of a Scarlet Flame: The Last Draegion Saga Book 1 by Cindy L. Sell follows various characters as they each try to further their own agenda and keep their secrets hidden. Alar, a psionic, decides to infiltrate the guild through the school of magic. However, he is faced with decisions that might ruin his cover. Daeya is a bit of a troublemaker although her talent and skill can’t be denied. When she forms a bond with the new student, things become complicated as she can’t allow anyone to discover her secrets, even the one person she begins to truly trust.

Remnants of a Scarlet Flame by Cindy L. Sell is an immaculately interwoven story seen through the eyes of various characters. As readers, we experience the POV of not only the two main characters but other characters important to the story as well. I felt that this gave a well-rounded feel to the plot as you see events unfolding from different perspectives while also gaining insights into events not about the main characters. The world-building for this book was just amazing; it was so detailed and in-depth. I also really appreciated the fact that there is a guide at the back of the book that gives the translations and pronunciations for words used. Overall, it is clear from the first chapter that the author put a lot of effort into this story. This effort has paid off. This book is well written and just a fantastic fantasy story that you won’t be able to put down once you start reading it.