Replacement Parts

Fiction - Anthology
215 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Replacement Parts by Marc Dickinson is an interlinked short story collection. In Food, Gas, and Vacancy, Hannah was raised by a single mother who used to be involved with a lot of men until her death from cancer. Her father shows up just in time for her mother's funeral but also leaves, which is how she finds herself in a level 12 facility under the care of the state. In Smoked, Heath enlists in the army after the 911 attacks, leaving his girlfriend Gloria dissatisfied. How will war change him? In Birmingham House, Penny can't help but wonder if any of the kids will really reform. Before being sent to the house, Katy and her brother had been living with their mother, who was considered negligent. They miss their mother and plan their escape. Jill doesn't see anything wrong with the relationship with her father, and she is looking forward to being released after her eighteenth birthday. 

Replacement Parts by Marc Dickinson is not just a gripping collection of stories but a thought-provoking work discussing major issues affecting society. For instance, the story of Heath will capture many people's attention on the impact of war. The correction in Birmingham House got me thinking about how best the government can intervene in helping the minors. I loved how Marc ensured that the stories unraveled progressively, hence answering any questions the reader might have formed at the start. The characters were well-developed, and excellent narration also added to the overall beauty of the book. The easy-to-understand language used also makes the book accessible to all kinds of readers. I look forward to reading something else by this author.