Rush Into Evil

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
226 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

There seemed to be no time for rest for Possum Gap’s Sheriff Sadie Mills. She had just got back to work after recovering from a gunshot wound when hell threatened to break loose in Possum Gap. The small town was experiencing heavy rains that posed grave danger from flooding. As if nothing more could go wrong, the mutilated body of Willow Dover, a member of a feared family of outlaws from the hills of Possum Gap, is found at a local campground. The matriarch of the Dover clan believes she knows Willow’s murderer. Before Sadie can wrap her head around the whole situation, the Dover clan declares war against another native family in a bid to avenge their kin. Racing against time and with a looming disaster from floods, Sadie is determined to discover Willow’s killer and prevent an imminent bloodbath in Possum Gap. Get yourself Karen Ann Hopkins’ Rush into Evil to discover how it all goes down.

You will be flipping from cover to cover once you dive into this page-turner. Featuring a fascinating and dynamic cast, Karen Ann Hopkins weaves a tangled web of mystery around an ingenious plot. The spell-binding plot twists and subtle tone of the storyline had me on the edge of my seat. Hopkins gives just enough detail so as not to bog down the pace. The evocative depictions colorfully brought the scenes to life, sending me into the world of small-town creeps, murderers, outlaws, sleuths, gossip, secrets, deadly love triangles, deceit, vengeance, and so much more. Hopkins’ way of depicting the well-crafted cast’s emotions, along with their complex traits, made them authentic and easy to connect with. Rush into Evil is a magnificent piece of work and I loved it. Fans of mystery murder novels will enjoy this gripping read.