Saanvi's Family Tree

Children - Picture Book
38 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

The family is the first social unit children experience and it significantly influences society. In Saanvi's Family Tree, Sheena Sharma explains the components of family. Saanvi is a happy and intelligent young girl who loves her family. She completes her family tree as part of her homework assignment for school. She is so excited to learn more about the members of her family! Saanvi starts to understand that family relationships, though rooted in love, are sometimes complicated. She questions why some family members are more present in her life than others. Saanvi's parents help her navigate the complex topic of familial estrangement. Sometimes, when people are unkind, it's best to pause and come back together with love and respect. Absence can make the heart grow fonder.
Sheena Sharma's children's picture book Saanvi's Family Tree is a hopeful concept book that promotes empathy and understanding in children. The plot follows Saanvi's parents' explanation of her family members, using the family tree illustration as a perfect tool. I used it as a great bonding activity with my seven-year-old son. We used pictures and decorated the poster board. You can also use this activity as a good way to discuss family history and exchange stories, creating a deeper connection. This book provides a straightforward way to discuss family estrangement, instilling hope that children can develop empathy and understanding for complex family issues. I highly recommend this book to help your children better understand family relationships and strengthen their family bonds and history during story time.