Scam at Old River

Fiction - Crime
305 Pages
Reviewed on 04/06/2021
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Author Biography

Mike has always wanted to tell stories. Possibly due to his Scottish/Irish Heritage. These stories have taken many forms; novels, short stories, poems, and spoken. They are now seeing the light of day via his publisher

In his work as an independent contractor in the IT Industry, he has created businesses, owned a five-star game farm, a one-star pub, driven trucks for his horse transport business, worked for a gangster, made money, lost money and made it again.

He is a fisherman, a hunter, a surfer, a water-skier, a scuba-diver, a polocrosse player, a black belt karateka, a tournament fighter, and a daily writer in his journal.

He has worked on every continent and every business sector.

He has been married three times, has five biological children, three step-children and eight grandchildren. They live in England, South Africa, Australia and China.

Mike now lives back in the land of his birth, Australia.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Mike Mackay's crime thriller, The Scam at Old River, after a night of celebration, Jack Rhodes woke in the morning to a knock on the door. Debbie, an accountant, was the reason for the unwelcome visit; she had taken an incriminating file as an insurance policy. After Jack called the police, he returned to look for Debbie, but she was gone. Debbie left a note saying she was sorry for dragging him into her mess; she was going to disappear. Jack wanted to help bring a criminal organization down and went undercover as a Magna Real Estate salesperson. Magna was scamming prospective buyers, and Jack’s first client was Stella, a wealthy widow. Stella quickly formed a strong connection with Jack, and instead of deceiving her, they collaborated to collect evidence against Magna Real Estate.

Mike Mackay's Scam at Old River was both complex and riveting. It was fast-paced and jam-packed with action, with never a dull moment. The story starts with a fight scene, and the action never lets up. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages as fast as possible. I was hooked from the start until the finish by the engaging writing style. All the twists and turns had me guessing until the end. The characters were authentic and relatable. Jack was a fighter, and his skills helped him greatly during his altercations with the criminal organization. Jack and Stella got along right away and had some exciting experiences. The plot was intriguing and kept my attention throughout. This story was much more than I expected.