Scarlatti's Wheel

Fiction - Thriller - General
155 Pages
Reviewed on 03/01/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Patricia Day for Readers' Favorite

To become a king pin in the criminal world you have to stay one step ahead of the competition. In order to accomplish that you need to recruit a team of dedicated people, willing to do anything and everything you demand. No questions asked. Roy Finch has Eugene Dryden in his employ. Dryden, in turn, seduces and manipulates innocent and success-hungry Mark Gillespie to trust him as Dryden offers tempting employment and very attractive pay to further his own devious exploits as well as those of the power-driven Finch. Terry Swift has Jose; his long-time friend and confidante, willing and able to do his master’s bidding. Together these people expose an ugly world and even more unattractive personal pursuits. Finch and Swift are ruthless in their quest for success. If it takes violence, then so be it. In their individual worlds of protection rackets, drug trafficking, murder and much more, it is a game of ‘anything goes’ to remain the number one hoodlum. But what goes around inevitably comes around, even though the world appears to be your oyster.

I found the story quite compelling, despite the many characters, which at times I found distracting, while attempting to keep track of each new introduction and understand what their connection was and how they would play out. However, as the book progressed, I found the main story thread strong enough to keep me reading on to the end. It was gratifying to find evil was repaid in sometimes surprising ways. Well worth the time to read. A good book!