Shell Game

A Cadillac Holland Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - General
310 Pages
Reviewed on 10/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

Shell Game by H. Max Hiller is a rip-roaring novel featuring protagonist Detective Cadillac Holland. Holland survived an almost fatal attack on his life by a Russian gangster. A former military roommate, Brian Hollis, contacts him unexpectedly requesting urgent legal assistance. Initially apprehensive, Holland is curious about the trouble his old friend, who has mysteriously vanished, is in. Brian appears to be involved in a conspiracy with two acquaintances from their military high school days, by hijacking a container of antiquities and cultural artifacts from the Iraqi National Museum. However, things turn out to be more complex and dangerous, especially when the Russian gangster's attorney who tried to kill him previously, is setting him up against the FBI and the Iraqi government who already hate him. The stakes are high, and the game is extremely deadly if Holland’s plan fails.

Action, intrigue, and mystery fill the pages of Shell Game, a political detective-style thriller. H. Max Miller's multilayered, complex plot keeps the reader engaged. The narrative, which shows the author's intricate yet inventive reasoning, adds edginess to the story. The pace and writing achieve an intensity full of clever twists and unexpected developments. Several law enforcement agencies, gangsters, and not-so-trustworthy friends contribute to a convincing character development. It can be challenging to determine who is telling the truth and who you can trust since each character has motives. Holland is a strong and likable protagonist, and readers will appreciate his maverick ways of breaking the rules to accomplish his goal. In Shell Game, you'll find riveting action, political motives, high-stakes situations, and retribution. Thriller enthusiasts who enjoy clever action and detective-style plots will find this a refreshing read.