Snoodles in Space, Episode 2

The Zoodles Strike Back

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Snoodles in Space Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back is a sci-fi adventure story by Steven Joseph featuring illustrations by Andy Case. After their heroic actions to save the world, Ricky and his sister Briana are given the keys to the city of Noodleham. But Noodleham and the world at large are in danger once again. Evil Kidoodle has arrived on Earth with two of his associates and proposes a plan to Grumpy Grimy, which will turn everyone into 'Willy Nilly' and 'Dilly Dally.' However, Grumpy Grimy's kids, Frimpy Frumpy and Whiny Woodle, have heard the plans and seek to stop them. Meanwhile, Ricky and Briana have failed their exams and now need surgery to get rid of the effects of Willy Nilly Dilly Dust. Can Frimpy and Whiny step up in their absence and save the world?

This is the perfect book to introduce children to the world of comic books. Snoodles in Space: Episode 2 is a wild adventure tale where you don't know what to expect as Steven Joseph keeps surprising you at every turn. The characters are funny and quirky and, above all, thoroughly entertaining. If you like action-comedy adventure tales, you're in for a treat. Ricky and Briana are not the ultimate heroes in this installment. Instead, this is an origin story of two unlikely heroes who seek to make amends for their past mistakes. Andy Case's lively illustrations add to the characters' personalities and make this a fun-filled read. Despite being the second installment in a series, The Zoodles Strike Back also functions as a standalone. Recommended to readers below the age of ten.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

Imagine a vehicle that runs on noodles. It’s called a snoodle and it was invented by Herbie Snoodleman. The world is healthier because of the noodle-fueled vehicle, but not everyone is happy. There’s evil lurking and, in Steven Joseph’s Snoodles in Space, Episode 2, the world is under threat of having its water supply poisoned. It’s more than merely protecting Earth’s supply of noodles, something that’s much needed to run more than just vehicles. Briana and Ricky are set on a course to save the planet yet again. Can they rally the troops, including the outcast kids from the other side of the tracks, and meet the evil head-on to save Earth?

Steven Joseph’s early reader, Snoodles in Space, Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back, is the third book in the Snoodles in Space series. Told in simple language with little text on every page, the story is an easy read for young readers, something to capture their interest and help boost their reading skills. The text is written in varying sizes, styles, and colors, to make reading fun. The plot begins with some backstory to help bring readers up to speed, especially those who may have missed out on reading the first two books. Then the plot moves along quickly into the new adventure. The illustrations by Andy Case are bright, bold, colorful, and amusing. There is so much to study on each page that young readers will be mesmerized. At the end of the book are some illustrated character sketches from the previous books in the series as well as illustrations of the various technologies included in the story. Overall, a fun read.

Jennie More

Snoodles in Space, Episode 2 by Steven Joseph is the story of Grumpy Grimy Groodleman who fell on tough times. His automobile invention, the Groodle, was replaced by an improved invention that resulted in his bankruptcy. His children were the laughingstock of the neighborhood, Noodleham. And he had to move his family to the less affluent side of town. Grumpy Grimy’s misfortunes made him the perfect accomplice to Evil Kadoodle of the Planet Zoodle for the destruction of Noodleham. By teaming up with Kadoodle in his plan, the latest automobile invention would be obsolete, and the Groodle would be in demand. Therefore, so would be the need for grool, the Groodlemobile's fuel source. Through this proposition, Kadoodle tests the honor of Grumpy Grimy. Inadvertently, he also tests the honor of Grumpy Grimy's family.

Snoodles in Space, Episode 2 by Steven Joseph is a humorous, entertaining, and fascinating story. I loved the bright, funny, and expressive illustrations by Andy Case that perfectly complemented the story. The character names are hilarious, and I enjoyed the alliteration. It adds to the story’s complexity, which makes it an amusing and enjoyable comprehension assignment or test for school children. Despite the bizarre names of people, places, and inventions, there is a tinge of thoughtfulness in the story. It subtly portrays a message for young children about the importance of honorable deeds and intentions. Steven Joseph created a fantastical world with weird and wonderful characters that celebrate and encourage children’s free-spirited imaginations and their unquenchable thirst for amusement.