Souls in the Stars

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
368 Pages
Reviewed on 05/12/2024
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Author Biography

SARA JANE TRIGLIA is a YA sci-fi, fantasy, and mindfulness children's book author writing from the slopes of a volcano. Her stories often bring us on fantastical adventures for teens or for the whole family to enjoy. Sara has published short story eBooks, including, Jumping Caspian and The Origins of Raine. In 2021, she published her children's book The Littlest Magnolia which she wrote and illustrated when her daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy. As a former YouTube vlogger, Sara loves to share her passion for writing on social media. When she is not writing, you can find her chasing around a toddler on a beach, homeschooling her kids, or folding a massive pile of laundry. Stay tuned for her upcoming debut YA sci-fi fantasy novel, Souls in the Stars, coming June 4, 2024.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Miche Arendse for Readers' Favorite

There are certain milestones one must face in life and Bay Lily has quite a few of her own to face at eighteen. Souls in the Stars by Sara Jane Triglia follows Bay as she tries to come to terms with her little brother's form-death as well as being done with her spiritual lessons. Feeling overwhelmed and not at all ready to face any of her current problems things only get worse when her brother's form-death goes awry. Bay must now find a way to set things right while discovering her own life path along the way.

Souls in the Stars by Sara Jane Triglia is such a unique book and I found the concept to be absolutely spectacular. Focusing on the spiritual aspect of one's being, the people on the island of Sub Rosa split from the rest of the world due to their belief in reincarnation. After having created a machine that could track one's soul after death, a war broke out, causing devastation on the island. Triglia did an amazing job with the world-building by creating a unique take on reincarnation lore as well as with the soul tracing. I found myself engrossed in this book from start to finish and I very much enjoyed watching Bay grow in all aspects of her character. I especially liked how, despite the fact that she constantly doubted her spirituality, she always managed to overcome difficult situations. Souls in the Stars definitely wasn’t what I was expecting but I was pleasantly surprised in reading this book and it's one I would highly recommend.