
A Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Espionage
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/08/2021
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Spiral is a work of fiction in the thriller genre. It is aimed at older readers and was penned by Khaled Talib. The book follows pharmacist Laurence Turner who is seeking a fresh start in South Australia after the death of his fiancée and the accidental death of a customer after being given the wrong medication. But when Laurence comes across the body of a dead American journalist, Laurence finds himself entangled in an international conspiracy, not least from those who believe he holds a dangerous secret that many people wish to get their hands on.

Thriller novels live and die on the twists and turns in the tale that the author is able to come up with, both the number of those twists and the quality of them. I’m pleased to report that Khaled Talib is a skilled writer in this regard, with a plot that moves at a fantastic pace and plot twists that are huge in scope and often impossible to see coming. The international scope of the story leaves the possibilities wide open for outside influences to appear at any moment to shake things up and the author is very inventive about using them. The twists of Spiral wouldn’t mean a great deal unless the reader invests in the characters being subjected to them, and to that end, Laurence is a great lead role. Sympathetic in his presentation and with a trail of tragedy behind him that makes us want to see him succeed, his portrayal is excellently done. I’d recommend this book to any fans of the thriller genre.