Surviving the Closet

Non-Fiction - LGBTQ
190 Pages
Reviewed on 07/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In Surviving the Closet, Jo Deluzio was born at a time when conformity to gender roles was strictly adhered to. Though her mother discussed some topics of sexuality, she never went into detail on various issues. Information on sexuality was scarce, and anything learned was from peers or personal experience. At fourteen, she started feeling an attraction toward girls, but it never went far, and during college, she met an understanding man who married her. Everything seemed well until she decided to embrace her sexuality amidst confusion and little support. What is the importance of identity, and what are the impacts of society’s obsession with putting labels on relationships, especially those between women? 

Surviving the Closet by Jo Deluzio provides a wealth of information on sexuality. Another thing that stood out for me in this amazing work was the importance of providing full and accurate information to our children as they navigate through life. It also dispels myths about what it means to be gay, what you should look like, and other family-related issues. Though we have come a long way in the fight for equality, Deluzio clearly shows that we still have work to do in enhancing LGBTQ rights, even in countries that are deemed safe. Readers will also appreciate her dissection of gender, sex, and dynamics between the interactions of people of different identifications. Although I still have a lot to learn about matters of gender, sex, and orientation, I believe this was an excellent stepping stone, and I look forward to reading something else by Jo Deluzio.