Tales of a Sixth-Grade Muppet Book 2

Clash of the Class Clowns

Children - Grade 4th-6th
240 Pages
Reviewed on 05/18/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

In "Tales of a Sixth-Grade Muppet: Clash of the Class Clowns" Kirk Scroggs has child muppet Danvers Blickensderfer in competition with a new boy in the school named Phips Terlington who turns out to be the class clown, totally undermining Danvers' goal of capturing that title. In the meantime, Ms. Piggy has injured her leg and Danvers, little sister Chloe is taking over for the infamous muppet star. Danvers is not only put off by his sister's instant success as a singer, he is angry at having to compete for praise as the top seventh grade clown. Danver solicits the assistance of his friends Fozzie, Rowlf and Pepe the King Prawn in an attempt to up his comic game and put Phips out of business. Danvers fears being humiliated by Phips and he tries one stunt after another to try to capture the positive attention of his classmates. But nothing seems to be enough to displace the newcomer and Danvers finally resorts to attending clown class with the most boring instructor ever.

Anyone who loves the muppets will love this book. The characters are adorable, even the nasty ones! Ms. Piggy holds true to character and little Chloe is a feisty little girl who pretty much dislodges any sense of order wherever she goes. Readers will sympathize with Danvers' quest to be recognized and appreciated by his peers. At times, I found the ongoing illustrations to be a bit distracting and at other times, I found myself wanting to concentrate on them at the expense of the text. Most children in this age group will be captivated readers.