Tao and Mindfulness

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/30/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers' Favorite

Tao and Mindfulness guides people wanting to develop their essence by understanding the laws of nature through Tao. Aviilokín K'shi divides the content into three main categories. In the first part, he explains what Tao is and the importance of living in harmony with nature. He also teaches us how the energies around us work. The second part describes the chakras in terms of their colors and symbolism. The author shows how to have a balanced life and includes breathing exercises to achieve mindfulness. In the final part, he explains how spiritual growth comes through life experiences. Here he also discusses sexual energy objectively. This book invites us to reflect on our social interactions and provides suggestions on how to achieve inner peace.

Tao and Mindfulness is an excellent read for seekers of knowledge. It is a good introduction to the Tao system because the explanations are given in simple language. The mindfulness activities are clear with instructions that are easy to follow. I enjoyed the book because it deals with diverse concepts coherently. It describes how to improve areas of human interaction in the fields of emotional, physical, social, and sexual well-being. It also debunks myths related to these topics. Simultaneously, Aviilokín K'shi gives readers much food for thought. He acknowledges that his ideas are approached from his personal perspective and invites reflection. I found that stance to be honest. He also speaks of his experiences in mysticism and shares with us what he has learned most eloquently. This book will assist with meditating comfortably and effortlessly.

Vernita Naylor

To achieve balance within the self, it's important to begin with mindfulness. Mindfulness is focusing on the present and accepting what's happening within the mind, body, and spirit. In Tao and Mindfulness by Aviilokín K'shi, the reader is taken through the essential steps of understanding and achieving mindfulness while connecting with Tao. Learn how the different types of breathing, chakras, meditation, and yoga methods are all tied to improving your health, energy, intellect, and lucidity. Inviting universal harmony into your daily life and embracing nature begins the journey. As a treat, you'll be taken through a series of exercises to get you started. It's important to carry out these exercises frequently for healing, awareness, and other intended purposes.

In reading Tao and Mindfulness by Aviilokín K'shi, many nuggets caught my attention but what resonated with me since I've practiced mindfulness principles, yoga, and breathing meditation for over 15 years was this statement by the author '...a human being manifests himself through three qualities: mind, body, and speech. With these three qualities, we give direction to energy. When the mind is restless, and the body and the speech follow in accord, the energy is scattered, disharmonized, and in an instable (sic) state.' This is why you may see some people experiencing fatigue, anxiety, depression, and other aspects of imbalance because they haven't centered themselves properly and accepted the moment that they're in. This is something I must do more of, letting go, accepting, and living in the moment. I'm going to begin now with this book. How about you? Join me.