Tell Me More

A Special Edition of Tales (Volume 3)

Fiction - Drama
600 Pages
Reviewed on 05/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

In Tell Me More: A Special Edition of Tales (Volume 3) by Trebbiano, the protagonist sets out to evaluate and improve cruise ship Northern Star operations. The book is a captivating tale of leadership, teamwork, and personal growth, with compelling scenes highlighting the protagonist’s exceptional management skills. A blend of romance, adventure, and management, this book takes readers on a journey with the author on the high waters as he leads his team, brings in an innovative leadership approach, and deepens his love. Whether he is helping Steffi find a new place, enjoying a dinner with her, or attending a board meeting, this tale immerses readers in the dynamics of corporate life, especially in the hospitality industry.

Tell Me More offers captivating scenes, each imbued with lessons on the protagonist’s ability to lead, such as when he introduces himself to the crew and highlights the importance of respecting their contributions and following established protocols. Despite Charley's abrasive demeanor, the protagonist maintains harmony and ensures a smooth transition, demonstrating his leadership skills by reinforcing good practices and addressing Charley's missteps diplomatically. Another memorable scene is when the protagonist shares stories about the pirate captain's past, including his rise to power and eventual death. He leaves a will, dedicating his wealth to his family and designating the castle to the island population. The book highlights the importance of teamwork, innovation, and communication. For example, Peter's approach to innovation is brilliantly showcased as he holds a brainstorming session to gather ideas for enhancing the passenger experience on new ships. Surprisingly, the most innovative ideas are offered by employees who are not top-tier. Trebbiano infuses the book with humanity, crafting emotionally resonant scenes, and relatable characters. The book concludes with a sense of triumph as the protagonist settles into his new role as leader of the hotel department and looks forward to being a part of the company's new direction.

K.C. Finn

Tell Me More: A Special Edition of Tales is a work of fiction in the interpersonal drama, suspense, and workplace intrigue genres, and this novel forms the third volume of the series. Penned by author Trebbiano, the novel follows the protagonist in navigating the challenges of merging two totally different business cultures, facing limitations in management abilities among peers and superiors. Surviving on instinct and skills, he earns the envy of others with his successful results. A secretary with Island blood becomes his backbone and eventual wife, while collaboration with the owner's son leads to future rewards. Adopting a daughter from the hotel area connects various business associations and sets the stage for a lucrative future.

Author Trebbiano takes an interesting industry perspective to craft another compelling journey for readers to follow. This time it is through the intricacies of corporate culture and personal relationships, always focused on the central character with precision, detail, and emotion. I was impressed with the protagonist's resilience and adaptability as he navigated the complexities of merging business cultures and overcoming management challenges. The development of the protagonist's relationship with his secretary-turned-wife is a new delight to follow as the plot deepens with greater resonance. The emotional impact on the narrative highlights the importance of support and companionship in the face of professional obstacles. The themes of partnership, mentorship, and unconventional family dynamics are well-balanced and come together to create a rich tapestry of interconnected lives and business ventures, culminating in a satisfying and hopeful vision of success and fulfillment. Overall, I would certainly recommend the third volume of Tell Me More, and the series as a whole, to fans of intricately penned, interesting, realistic drama everywhere.

Divine Zape

In this captivating tale, Trebbiano weaves a narrative that explores the intricacies of leadership, teamwork, and personal growth. The story follows the protagonist, a seasoned hospitality manager, as he navigates the challenges of improving operations on a cruise ship. With his expertise in standard operating procedures and respect for staff, he sets out to make a positive impact on the crew and passengers. Trebbiano creates compelling scenes throughout the book that showcase the protagonist's leadership skills. One such scene is the captain’s reception, where the protagonist outlines a unique approach to welcoming passengers, including a storytelling segment by the captain and the exclusive offering of a rum punch. This innovative reception method is designed to create a memorable experience for guests while ensuring the exclusive status of the drink. The subplot involving Charley's embezzled money and the creative accounting solution to return it is particularly impressive.

The book also explores themes of leadership, teamwork, and personal growth. The protagonist's ability to empathize with his colleagues and address their concerns stands out in the narrative. The author has the ingenious ability to balance humor and drama while creating engaging dialogues and thought-provoking scenes. Tell Me More is an engaging read with many takeaway lessons for readers, including the fact that effective leadership requires empathy and understanding of colleagues' concerns. The story highlights innovation as the key to success, teamwork as essential for achieving goals, integrity as the driving ingredient for success in personal and professional life, and adaptability as a constant characteristic of successful leadership.

Romuald Dzemo

In this captivating third installment of the Tell Me More series, Trebbiano delivers a tale of leadership, teamwork, and personal growth that is both informative and entertaining. The narrative is filled with compelling scenes that showcase the protagonist's expertise in hospitality management, innovative problem-solving, and dedication to excellence. One such scene is the captain’s reception on the ship, where the protagonist outlines a unique and engaging approach to welcoming passengers. The attention to detail and commitment to creating a memorable guest experience are genuinely inspiring. Another noteworthy scene is the protagonist's conversation with Peter, a high-ranking executive, who shares his approach to innovation and willingness to listen to new ideas. The book’s focus on teamwork and collaboration is refreshing, highlighting the importance of open communication and empowering employees. While readers will follow the author as he handles corporate challenges and issues in the company, they also witness a romance that balances the stress of dealing with difficult partners with heartwarming moments of tenderness.

The protagonist's personal growth and introspection are also notable aspects. His conversations with colleagues, such as Steffi and Priscilla, provide insight into his relationships and character development. The subplot involving his personal life, including his marriage to Steffi and plans for fatherhood, augments the realism and gives the story a strong sense of humanity. The author's ability to create engaging characters and captivating scenes is exceptional, making it easy to become invested in the protagonist's journey. Trebbiano melds drama with moments of strategic thinking to create an engaging story around a likable corporate boss. This book is filled with wisdom on leadership and features a cast of characters that readers will adore, from team members involved in corruption to crew members who stand out through their dedication. Social commentaries are also peppered through the book and help beef up the setting. Tell Me More is another engaging book in the series that will delight business leaders and readers looking for an engaging read.

Ruffina Oserio

In Tell Me More: A Special Edition of Tales (Volume 3), Trebbiano continues the enthralling tale of a protagonist enmeshed in hospitality management, leadership, and personal growth. The story follows the protagonist's journey as he handles the challenges of improving operations on the cruise ship Northern Star while also exploring his personal life and relationships. It blends adventure, relationships on ship, and romance to deliver a mesmerizing and thought-provoking read. The protagonist's rapport with the kitchen staff, affectionately referred to as "Papa," his attention to employees, and his eagerness to listen to everyone are the highlights of the narrative. While this story follows the protagonist’s work and leadership successes, it provides intense moments of drama, romance, and personal growth with lessons that will help readers who want to connect meaningfully with others at work and in their personal lives.

Tell Me More explores themes of leadership, teamwork, and personal growth. The protagonist's willingness to listen to new ideas and his approach to innovation are inspiring threads that move this story forward. The character's introspection and reflections on his personal life provide a layer of beauty to the story. The book's greatest strength lies in balancing personal and professional aspects, creating an engaging and informative narrative. The prose is crisp, and while the POV can at times be confusing, the story entertains readers while providing vital lessons for leaders, like the importance of listening to new ideas and being open to innovation, the value of respecting staff contributions and following established protocols, the need for strategic thinking and problem-solving in complex situations, and the importance of personal growth and self-care. Trebbiano’s book is an exciting adventure with powerful scenes on a cruise ship, sophisticated characters, and a manual on effectively leading teams to success.

Asher Syed

In the culinary journey spanning three Tell Me More books by Trebbiano, book one sees the protagonist break free from familial ties to pursue his dream, rapidly ascending the ranks to chef positions in prestigious hotels, navigating through mentorship, management, and rivalry. Book two sees him leading food and beverage services on cruise ships, implementing improvements while grappling with embezzlement scandals. Book three thrusts him into the challenge of avoiding the inevitable collision that comes with change, but getting ahead in the industry and further standing out in an already forward-moving career trajectory. Still, in the throes of work and the desire to continue to rise, there must be time for love and, finally, a nuclear family, while he hopes to weather the storms of corruption.

The most exciting part for me in this installment of Tell Me More is the relationship Trebbiano builds between our protagonist and Steffi, who was born in Barbados. A Monday night escapade leads to an unexpected proposal and spur-of-the-moment wedding plans, blending tradition with spontaneity. From covert wedding arrangements to heartfelt farewells, I liked the prospect of the pair embarking on their new life together. From what I have read in Trebbiano's work, the hospitality industry is hard professionally and lonely personally, since long periods are spent away from family in work. Finally, we get to see what degree of normal can be achieved in a relationship that survives in the most unusual construct. Trebbiano's writing is simple and straightforward, and not always easy to follow, but now at book three, I'm used to it and ready for the next adventure.