The 13th Victim

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
348 Pages
Reviewed on 10/25/2016
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sherri Fulmer Moorer for Readers' Favorite

Detective Kate Turner has her hands full with the latest case. Young women are being abducted from the local college, just to turn up dead five days later, often mutilated in gruesome fashion. The crimes mimic those of another serial killer from a different time and place – crimes committed by a killer that was murdered by one of his own victims twenty years ago. Why here? Why now? Why are so many families burying their daughters just before Christmas? It’s a case Kate is desperate to solve, not only for the victims, but to satisfy her own personal demons. It turns out that Kate is hiding a tragedy of her own, which further motivates her to solve this case quickly, despite the state detective that constantly puts a crimp in her style. The 13th Victim by Sherri Scarpaci takes you on a journey full of complex characters and twists and turns that will keep you guessing through the last page.

This is, without a doubt, the model of a perfect mystery novel. Kate Turner isn’t just an excellent detective, but a complex yet relatable person as well. You can clearly see how being a divorced mother with a past tragedy weaves her into a complex character that’s driven to do the best, not just for her family, but for the community she serves. The rest of the characters are equally intriguing, with complex lives and stories that motivate them in ways that cause paths to cross, leading to more twists and turns in the plot. The 13th Victim is a thrilling read, and Sherry Scarpaci did a wonderful job with this story – in fact, she’s gained a fan and I look forward to reading more by her! My only regret is that I couldn’t read this book fast enough, and then I was disappointed when it was over because I enjoyed it so much. This is an excellent novel. If you like detective mysteries, this is the perfect read for you.