The Adventures of Tintin

A Novel (audio version)

Children - Grade 4th-6th
227 Pages
Reviewed on 03/02/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Janet Kay Jensen for Readers' Favorite

Great blistering barnacles! Our hero, young reporter Tintin (with a nose for news) stumbles across a find among the odds and ends at the Old Street Market: a model of The Unicorn, a ship which belonged to Sir Francis Hannock, who lost his fortune when it went down. When the model is accidentally knocked to the floor, the broken mast reveals a piece of rolled parchment; on the parchment, written in a spidery hand, is a riddle. Whoever solves the riddle holds a crucial piece of information pointing to the location of pirate Red Rackman's treasure!

Tintin isn't the only one pursuing the treasure of the notorious pirate; as soon as he owns the model ship he finds himself in frequent danger, but with his white terrier Snowy at his side, he always manages to find a creative way to escape his pursuers (“Great snakes! Look out!”). Snowy is also an excellent judge of character; together they are a formidable team. This story takes Tintin and Snowy from land to sea, as well as from the extremes of the bottom of the ocean to the limitless sky. A few of the unusual characters Tintin encounters include a sinister descendant of pirate Red Rackman himself, camels, and an opera singer.

This audiobook version of the movie tie-in novelization is delightful and engaging, and truly great to listen to. Nick Sullivan’s narration gives each character a distinctive voice, accent, or dialect, while establishing a lively tone and pace that keep the listener actively involved. The book is recommended for readers aged 8 and up, and this audio version should be very appealing to all ages.