The Amazing Bible Adventure for Kids

Finding the Awesome Truth in God's Word

Children - Grade 4th-6th
112 Pages
Reviewed on 12/26/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

Ever had a child ask you questions about the Bible, and you didn't know just how to answer? I have had that experience and so I was extremely happy when I saw this book to review. In "The Amazing Bible Adventure for Kids", authors Josh McDowell and Kevin Johnson help answer many of those questions. In this book, your kids will learn why God is the most awesome treasure in the world, why God put people on earth, and how God wants people to know Him. They will also know how they can look like God, act like God, enjoy God's protection and provisions and trust God and His Word completely. Sound amazing? Well it is, just as this little book and everything in it is amazing.

I love this neat book that makes it so much easier for kids to find the awesome truths in God's word. The book is fun to read, with an eye-catching cover that will capture the attention of kids everywhere. It is pretty short, with just over 100 pages and the illustrations inside the book are what kids would call cool. I just love them! Overall, I can't say enough about this book because I am glad that it teaches 4th to 6th grade children a neat and easier way to read and study the Bible. This book can be used for group Bible study, individual study or family study. The chapters are short, so it makes it possible for lots of discussion. I highly recommend "The Amazing Bible Adventure for Kids". It will be a great addition to any home library, as well as church or school library. I encourage you to pick up your copy today!