The Awesome Book of Unusual Bible Heroes for Kids

Children - Grade 4th-6th
144 Pages
Reviewed on 12/03/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

"The Awesome Book of Unusual Bible Heroes for Kids" by Sandy Silverthorne is a great book for kids aged 8-12 years. Today many children in this age group learn about the heroes in the Bible through their Sunday School class but some seem uninterested. Children have a hard time understanding at times what was really going on, especially in the Old Testament. With Mr. Silverthorne’s book written using modern-day settings and some hilarious illustrations, children can easily understand what was going on. From the episode of Pharaoh drowning all baby boys born, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace, and Jonah and the great fish, right up to Peter and Jesus, the book also teaches them about lesser known heroes of the Bible that children seldom learn about. This helps them to understand that there are more heroes in the Bible besides the main ones they have always heard about.

Even as an adult I have to say that I enjoyed reading this book very much. The stories are accurate even though they are written with a tongue in cheek attitude. I had to laugh at some of the excerpts where the story depicts graphic details. In short order, girls will probably run from the room yelling gross while the boys however will probably be staying right on. With a synopsis of the story at the beginning and a devotion at the end for the appropriate age level, the child will learn to apply the story to their own lives, in how to overcome obstacles that they may face, and not to run away from God when he asks you to do something. I have to say this is one of the best books I have read for children. I recommend that all parents should get this book and let their child read it, along with their Bible so they can see the accuracy of the story. Not only will it teach them a lesson, it will also help them to understand the Bible better. Look for this book to be out on the market in February 2012.