The B.A.B.Y. Book: Best Advice for Baby & You

The Essential Parent's Hospital Guide to Postpartum Care from Delivery to Discharge...and Beyond!

Non-Fiction - Parenting
377 Pages
Reviewed on 08/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In The B.A.B.Y. Book: Best Advice for Baby & You, Karen L. Brewer addresses everything you need to know to care for your baby and yourself after a vaginal or Cesarean delivery. The author outlines topics like fundal massage, perineal care, pain management, Apgar scores, "oddities" you may notice when changing a baby's diaper, infant skin irregularities, feeding your baby, feeding difficulties, circumcision, SIDS, and so much more. Brewer presents and answers common questions and details the infant screenings you can expect. In addition to educating mothers, Brewer includes a section for significant others.

Karen L. Brewer was a maternity nurse for over two decades, and she has a wealth of knowledge. I have had seven children, and there are still things in her book I didn't know, like the reason for "milk fever" and Ballard scoring. The pages are easy to read, almost like Brewer is talking to a close friend before she expects to deliver. Many books cover the information you can expect during your pregnancy, but hardly any of them touch the time after you leave the hospital. This text is thorough and informative, giving valuable advice with a touch of humor and extensive experience. I know many new mothers who would have reduced their number of anxious calls to health providers by reading this book. Readers who hope to approach delivery and postpartum and infant care informed and prepared will strongly benefit from reading The B.A.B.Y. Book: Best Advice for Baby & You.