The Bear Who Wanted to Fly

Children - Picture Book
28 Pages
Reviewed on 01/11/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite

There once was a little bear named Cubby who had big, big dreams. Bigger than he could ever imagine! You see, Cubby Bear wanted to learn to fly. He could do it, couldn’t he? As he sits high on his tree branch, looking out through the forest, he sees two of his friends watching him, probably wondering what he was up to. Couldn't Cubby Bear see that his friends were worried about him and wondering why he was acting so strange lately? Would little Cubby Bear let them in on his thoughts and secrets so they could help him?

This is the cutest story for little ones. The first time my now 6-year-old niece saw it, I ended up reading it to her about 5 or 6 times. Then she sat for an hour or more looking at the pictures, making up her own stories. This is a big book with an awesome message for those who read it. In The Little Bear Who Wanted to Fly, Cubby, Chatter and Crunch show kids of all ages that it is okay to dream, and how fun it is to put action to those dreams! Author Carol Shaver writes a story that is exciting and interesting enough to keep the attention of kids for hours. And I can’t leave out the awesome illustrations by Rachel Smith. From the front cover throughout the entire book to the end, the colors, scenes and characters are jumping off the pages as you read the words. I love books like this that tell the story so well in words and pictures. This is definitely a book you want in your child’s library!