The Christmas Tin II

Fiction - General
201 Pages
Reviewed on 11/06/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Patricia Day for Readers' Favorite

In The Christmas Tin II written by Roderick J Robison, the Christmas Tin was nothing of great value, in fact it was not even attractive, but it had been bequeathed to Jesse many years earlier. Ardella Calder just knew the tin would make a difference to whoever was interested in pursuing the stories held within it.

Jesse suffers unexpected losses and is significantly traumatized by his change of circumstances. His wife Mariana suggests he get away to spend time with his much-loved grandparents, and try to re-establish some solid ground. He takes the Christmas Tin, intent on learning more about it and the secrets it held on to for so many years. While there, he also needs to give careful thought to his future, but darn it, he drew a blank. He needed a new direction, and fast. During his visit, Jesse’s eyes and heart are opened in surprising ways, giving him a completely new perspective on his own situation. It seemed paltry in comparison to the life events suffered by a few very special people. The various characters revealed as the story progresses make this a very entertaining, charming story of an altogether different class.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and trilogy it contains. I became totally engrossed with each very plausible character as history revealed its secrets: secrets concealed in the tin and the hearts and minds of others for far too many years. Jesse gains insight, perspective and a whole new direction with what seems like very little effort on his part. You always seem to get what you deserve and this is so true where Jesse is concerned. Wonderful. Different. Captivating. Once started, you will find it hard to put this book down.