The Claíomh Solais

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
237 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Claíomh Solais by Declan Cosson is an epic fantasy set in early 20th-century Ireland. The story follows sixteen-year-old Damien O'Laoghaire, who, while working on an archaeological dig, discovers the legendary Claíomh Solais sword. Alongside his brother Seosamh and the enigmatic English archaeologist Eric Trent, Damien learns that their discovery has attracted the attention of the Fomorian King Bres, who aims to destroy the sword and reclaim Ireland. To protect the sword and their country, Damien and Eric ally with the Society of Saint Patrick and other mythic allies, embarking on a perilous journey filled with supernatural threats.

Author Declan Cosson’s imaginative blending of Irish mythology with early 20th-century settings creates a captivating and unique fantasy world that I fell right into and never wanted to leave. I loved the mixture of realistic recent historical events and mythical elements fashioned from folklore. Cosson provides a fresh perspective on classic fantasy tropes with new twists on how the concepts of prophecy, destiny, and power might play out. Our young protagonist is well-penned to be highly relatable in his enthusiastic naivety, and as he is tested by the many exciting events of the plot and guided by the enigmatic Eric Trent, Damien grows into a young man you can really root for. The balance of dark, suspenseful moments with heroic themes offers a thrilling and emotionally resonant story that’s never over-dramatized, and the supernatural elements are well-grounded to keep us constantly believing in the power Damien has to become a true hero. Overall, The Claíomh Solais is a highly recommended fantasy adventure for fans of mythology and action-packed novels.