The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott

Heritage of Secrets

Fiction - Suspense
338 Pages
Reviewed on 05/31/2012
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Author Biography

The U.S. Army sent Michael Oborn to Information Specialist School for training in media journalism. After graduation he was shipped to Camp Zama, Japan, to manage a theater, where he directed live stage plays.

At age nineteen through twenty-one he fulfilled a two year mission for the Mormon Church. He is also a Chemical Dependency Professional who worked with addicts and their families before his retirement. He continues an affiliation with SAFE CALL NOW, a nonprofit organization that works with police, firefighters, and other first responders experiencing the disease of addiction.

Michael lives with his sweetheart of 22 years in the Puget Sound.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lorraine Carey for Readers' Favorite

"The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott" is so much more than your usual mystery! This novel is a loaded cannon you won’t want to miss!
Matt Alcott is a journalist who works in the records department on archives for the Mormon Church when he discovers some very dark and shocking secrets from the early days of the church as he follows the history of Joseph Smith. Some of these secrets will shock you where he uncovers sexual promiscuity with the prophet among other evils. He will also go on to reveal the secret societies that are alive and well today within the church. He decides to write a expose with all that he has found. The information will rock the Mormon world. While finishing his novel he finds romance within a most forgiving town. He continues to battle old demons and ones he knows personally from his past. The head honchos at the church find out about the novel and will stop at nothing to keep this book off the shelves. In an attempt to do so, they serve up an offer Matt surely can’t refuse.(Shades of a Godfather here?) When he discovers who is behind this scheme he backs off and this is when it gets down and dirty!

J M Oborn is well-versed in the history of the Mormon Church. I was so engaged in this book that I could not, and did not, put it down. It was so interesting to learn about this intriguing religion. I love the way Oborn’s character is portrayed as a strong man who is able to handle an enduring romance in the midst of all the turmoil he faces. I believe this novel is on its way to becoming a best seller!

Alice D.

It is 2005 and Matthew Alcott awakens in the middle of the Nevada desert. He is naked, drugged, and in a terrible condition. He reaches a trailer that is in the back of a store in the middle of nowhere and his wounds are tended to by five prostitutes while their madam calls for the police. When an officer arrives, he interviews Matt and tells him that he must have been left in the desert to die. Getting on his feet and going home, Matt finds his house has been trashed and his beloved dog, Buddy, has been killed. Pharmy, who sells drugs to the politically connected, is Matt's neighbor across the street and he shows Matt how to get a new Social Security number and name and how to stay off the radar. Matt needs this good advice as he once worked for the Mormon Church and stole copies of historic documents that will tell the truth about the beginnings of the Mormon Church. A hardened alcoholic, Matt heads across the country and ends up in a small town in New York State called Resurrection Corner and in a bar called The One Hump, operated by a man called James J. Flannery. Where will Matt go from here?

"The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott" is an exceptionally well-written novel with first rate characterization. Matt Alcott, James J. Flannery, Matt's new love Cate Lynn Sudani, Matt's former father-in-law, President Burgess, and all the other major and minor characters are totally believable. The story's plot proceeds with incredible suspense to its last pages, and readers will be totally absorbed in Matt's story. "The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott" is a fabulous read even though the storyline might offend Mormon Church members.

Stephanie D.

"The Complete Mystery of Matt Alcott" by Michael Oborn is a gritty and breathless read. Matt would be alright if he could just keep off the booze. It has already cost him his job as a journalist and his marriage, and now it might cost him his life. Someone is after the historical documents he stole when he worked as a historian for the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. The information he has is devastating. Matt needs to stay sober to keep his wits about him to firstly survive and secondly to write his revelatory book. He flees to, of all places, Resurrection Corner. In the One Hump Bar he meets James J, the barkeep who is a reformed alcoholic, and he encourages Matt to turn his life around. Cate is another incentive for doing so. Slowly his damning book is written as Matt gets a grip on himself. But powerful, persistent people don’t want it published and Matt’s isn’t the only life in danger any more.

Oborn’s style is quirky, inventive and addictive. It is almost in the stream of consciousness mode at times, and at others minimalist or absurdist, but the style is the perfect vehicle for this novel and proves an efficient way of presenting the characters and the tangling strands of plot that carry us with them. Short sentences, short paragraphs, and short chapters jump from the past to the present as the action unfolds. The author doesn’t waste a word as he creates a wide range of characters and emotions. There is the darkness of despair, spite and betrayal but also courage, loyalty, trust and love. This is an incredibly powerful, gripping novel.

Rita V.

"The Complete Mystery of Matthew Alcott: Heritage of Secrets" is an intriguing novel written by Michael Oborn. Matthew Alcott is an extraordinary journalist, who is also a historian for the Mormon Church. Through his determination and exploration, he discovers secret documents which expose the Mormon Church and all that it stands for. He also uncovers an explosive revelation about Joseph Smith, who is a self-proclaimed prophet who claimed to receive messages from God. But why was this revelation concealed from the world? Are Joseph’s visions to be valued or are they just blasphemy? Matthew uncovers conspiracies and corruption among the Mormon Church that if exposed could shake the Mormon faith forever. Matthew sets out to write a book and expose the truths about oppression, exploitation, corruption and bribery within the church that will shock the public forever.

Michael Oborn hits it out of the park with this shocking and intricate novel. It is meant to entertain and dig up an age old mystery of religion and conspiracy. Each chapter flows so nicely into the next and the plot is solid and well thought out. Michael is a very talented and intelligent writer who is able to intertwine the words on the page to create a masterpiece. The cover of the book reveals half of a human face that looks very mysterious and compelling. It makes you want to pick up this entertaining novel and not put it back down. The language is easy to comprehend and the sense of imagery is brilliantly worked throughout the novel. This book reminded me of such works as "Angels and Demons", and "National Treasure". I could easily see this novel made into a motion picture or mini-series and I would be the first in line to attend. I love a good conspiracy theory and Michael Oborn does not disappoint. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves a good mystery, conspiracy theory, or religious controversy.