The Conquest of Kailash

Fiction - LGBTQ
244 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Conquest of Kailash is a work of fiction in the LGBTQ+ drama, inspirational writing, and slice-of-life genres. It is best suited to adult readers owing to some explicit scenes and sensitive socio-cultural topics. Penned by author Inderjeet Mani, this engaging work portrays Ali Akbar's poignant journey from California back to India in his old age. Amidst personal turmoil and societal upheaval, Ali confronts his closeted homosexuality, past trauma, and failed relationships. Seeking solace and redemption, he embarks on a transformative quest from Benares to Mount Kailash, navigating profound philosophical insights and cultural landscapes.

Author Inderjeet Mani offers raw humanity, honesty, and compassion in crafting this deeply emotional and introspective book. Ali Akbar's journey resonated with me on multiple levels, from his struggle with a non-confirming personal identity to his reconciliation with past trauma. He is narrated with close attention to detail in every nuance of emotion so that the full complexity of a life’s worth of struggles can be shown. Mani's narrative beautifully intertwines Ali's journey with broader themes of societal collapse and religious fundamentalism, creating a rich tapestry of philosophical inquiry and human frailty as the novel deepens and these underlying philosophical themes come to the fore. Ali's exploration of his sexuality and the cultural complexities surrounding it was portrayed with sensitivity and authenticity. His encounters along the way, from Deer Park to the icy heights of Mount Kailash, were vividly depicted, offering insights into classical philosophies and diverse cultural landscapes with atmospheric language. Overall, The Conquest of Kailash is a compelling and thought-provoking read, blending philosophy with personal narrative in a way that captivates readers from beginning to end. I would highly recommend it.