The Devil's Elixir

Fiction - Suspense
371 Pages
Reviewed on 01/21/2012
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Stephen Brayton for Readers' Favorite

Sean Reilly, FBI agent, only wants to enjoy a short respite from an exasperating case over the July Fourth holiday. He can try to recharge from some emotional stress in his relationship with his girlfriend, Tess Chaykin, former archaeologist, with whom he’s had a few adventures. However, his ex-girlfriend, Michelle Martinez, calls pleading for help. Michelle and her four year old son, Alex, just escaped a kidnapping. She also tells Reilly that he is Alex’s father. Hours later, he arrives in San Diego only to almost immediately step into a gunfight with the kidnappers that ends with Michelle’s death. Sean is plunged into a mystery that involves a biker gang, a Mexican drug lord, and recent kidnappings of scientists. Reilly’s past comes back to haunt him, specifically, an operation in Mexico five years earlier where a life or death decision left him with unresolved guilt. Working with local agents and with the aid of Tess, Reilly uncovers a plot to introduce a new super drug to the unsuspecting populace. However, more secrets lie in wait for discovery, including Alex’s strange behavior.

This is a thriller with a lot of action from the get-go. Khoury doesn’t take you on a worldwide tour as in his previous novels, but settles in on the California scene with a few background details in Mexico. I really enjoyed the puzzles being solved. There is a bit of science fact along with the fiction, some ‘mind blowing’ possibilities, a little profanity (but not too much), and some edge-of-your-seat action scenes. I have been a fan of Khoury’s from his first novel and was not disappointed in the least with this latest effort. There is always a bit of the mystical and speculation in his novels. "The Devil’s Elixir" is no exception and finishing it left me disappointed that it had to end. Guess I’ll have to wait, anticipating the next novel.