The Door to Trilesk

Fiction - Fantasy - General
227 Pages
Reviewed on 10/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Door to Trilesk is a work of fiction penned by author Shannon Holly in the fantasy, adventure, and action genres. Readers are invited to enjoy a thrilling fantasy novel that follows protagonist Kate on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. Kate finds herself drawn back to a mysterious house where her estranged aunt lived until her sudden disappearance. Despite her mother's warnings, Kate is compelled to explore the house and unlock the secrets of her past. As she delves deeper, memories of a magical childhood summer spent with her aunt begin to resurface, along with strange and impossible recollections that challenge her understanding of reality. Determined to uncover the truth, Kate moves into the house and discovers her aunt's hidden journal, which reveals a world filled with doors to other realms and dangerous creatures. But with danger lurking at every turn, Kate must harness her newfound powers and embark on a perilous journey to save her family and unravel the mysteries of Trilesk.

Author Shannon Holly crafted a captivating journey into a world of mystery and magic, and I was hooked on the lush, vivid descriptions and original ideas right away. The narrative is confidently penned and strategically paced to give us the right balance of action versus exposition, and the plot is filled to the brim with intrigue, suspense, and fantastical elements that kept me eagerly turning pages. Kate's journey of self-discovery and her quest to uncover the truth about her aunt's disappearance drew me in thanks to the close narrative style that gives us a deep insight into how every challenge affects Kate emotionally and psychologically. As she navigates the atmospheric and moody world of her aunt's house and unlocks the varied and interesting secrets within, I found myself immersed more and more in the rich, emotive world that Holly creates. The concept of doors leading to other realms is a popular fantasy trope, but this author makes it unique with surprising twists on the concept as the novel progresses, making it both exciting and thought-provoking. Overall, The Door to Trilesk is a superb work of fantasy fiction that I’d recommend to readers everywhere for their next adventure.

Shrabastee Chakraborty

For as long as Kate could remember, she only met her estranged aunt on special occasions. Aunt Esmeralda went on frequent expeditions, although this was the first time she had been away for an entire year. Now, Kate’s mother, Janice, wants to put the ancestral house up for sale, claiming that her older sister has died. Kate should not have any qualms about that, yet for some reason, the house holds an inexplicable allure for her. The very atmosphere makes her artworks come alive. A long-forgotten memory resurfaces, vaguely reminding Kate of a summer she spent in this house as a child. Why is Janice so adamant about getting rid of the house? What is keeping Aunt Esme from returning home? Why are Kate’s memories so hazy? What happened that summer so long ago? Find out in The Door to Trilesk, a novel by Shannon Holly.

I loved how Shannon Holly teases readers, revealing just enough details to make them yearn for more. Mind-blowing possibilities of hidden, mystical realms gradually materialized, with Kate beginning to comprehend details from her childhood. Each new dimension captivated me with its vibrant atmosphere and unique inhabitants. The novel revealed a mesmerizing plethora of beings, featuring adorable companions to vicious enemies and everything in between. What started as a low-stakes, somewhat bizarre adventure slowly gained momentum, finally morphing into a full-blown interdimensional warfare. The complicated politics, rife with alliances, sabotages, and betrayals, were able to hook me completely. However, the daring adventures and clever ploys aside, the character sketches had an equally strong appeal. I loved how Holly showed Kate’s personal growth throughout the book. In a twist of the familiar “chosen one” trope, Kate faltered and slipped countless times before finally learning to stand her ground, confront her dominating mother, and fight against brutal forces. I recommend The Door to Trilesk to readers who appreciate science fiction and fantasy.

Scott Cahan

The Door to Trilesk by Shannon Holly is the beginning of a fun new fantasy series. Kate visits the old house of her long-lost Aunt Esmerelda. Her mother is ready to tear the house down and sell the land, but Kate finds she is instantly drawn to the place. Strange, magical things begin to happen to Kate that trigger forgotten memories from her childhood. As she explores the house, she discovers her aunt’s journal and learns there are magical doors in the house that lead to other worlds. Soon, Kate is sure her aunt is still alive and in trouble, and it's up to Kate to find her and bring her home. But she has to hurry because her mother’s wrecking ball is poised and ready to tear the house to the ground.

The Door to Trilesk by Shannon Holly has all the necessary elements of a great fantasy series. It has a strong central character in Kate who starts as likable but a little bit lost in the busyness of life. As the story goes on, she gains confidence and finds a new purpose as she connects to her past. The secondary characters in the plot are all equally interesting and well-written. This book also has a wonderful setup with the old house full of secrets and her mysterious Aunt Esmerelda’s disappearance. The plot moves along at a fast, satisfying pace that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. This story introduces us to fascinating characters and a host of magical worlds that will surely be explored more in future books. I look forward to seeing what happens next for Kate and her adventurous Aunt Esmerelda.