The Emerald Tablets

Or How I Saved the World with Help from Time Pirates from Venus

Fiction - Science Fiction
267 Pages
Reviewed on 06/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Emerald Tablets: Or How I Saved the World with Help from Time Pirates from Venus is a work of fiction in the science fiction, adventure, and action genres, best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Robert Manis, the plot follows the journey of an insecure grad school dropout on the brink of suicide. He willingly gets abducted by eccentric time-traveling Venusians, embarking on a mission to prevent Armageddon by rescuing Jesus Christ and locating the fabled Emerald Tablets. Betrayed by his sources and abandoned by allies, he confronts his doubts to outwit rival plotters and Romans, striving to avert crucifixion and fulfill his cosmic quest. Manis utilizes witty dialogue and comic timing to craft a wild and imaginative ride through a blend of science fiction, time travel, and historical adventure.

The protagonist's journey from the depths of despair to the epic mission of cosmic significance kept me hooked throughout, and the irreverent undertone of the narrative is confident and engaging. The interplay between the beautifully bizarre cast of characters, including time-traveling Venusians and rival plotters, added layers of intrigue and unpredictability to the plot. Plenty of amusing dialogue and great banter helps keep the mood light, even when the stakes are high. Despite the fantastical elements, the story delved into themes of self-discovery and overcoming inner turmoil, and thanks to some brilliant close narration of the central characters, we get to know them on a deeper level and can root for their success. Robert Manis skillfully wove together elements of mythology, history, and speculative fiction, creating a unique and entertaining read that left me eager to unravel each twist and turn until the very end. Overall, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend The Emerald Tablets to fans of fast-paced, witty adventure.