The Final Days of Abbot Montrose

An Asbjørn Krag Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - General
214 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Saifunnissa Hassam for Readers' Favorite

Sven Elvestad’s The Final Days of Abbot Montrose is a gripping and well-crafted crime thriller and murder mystery. A violent crime takes place in the library of the Catholic Montrose Abbey. The library has been ransacked, and bloodstains are evidence of a vicious struggle. The scholarly Abbot’s antique Venetian cabinet has been broken into. He was also the treasurer of the Catholic hospital and the money is missing. Abbot Montrose himself is also missing. A remnant of his vestment is found on the wrought-iron fence surrounding the Abbey. Detective Asbjørn Krag and his partner, Detective Sirius Keller, are determined to find the missing Abbot and the perpetrators of the crime. The plot thickens. The mystery deepens. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading The Final Days of Abbot Montrose for its remarkable sleuth, Detective Asbjørn Krag, and the intriguing and suspenseful plot. The story turned into an immersive page-turner for me right from the start when Detective Asbjørn Krag and his partner, Detective Sirius Keller, begin their complex investigation. The Abbot has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and there is no firm or conclusive evidence of his fate: is he dead, or is he alive? Detective Krag’s character development unfolds through the drama of investigation, how he threads together clues to figure out the how and why of a crime, with Krag’s keen observations and insights into the characters of possible suspects: what do their faces and eyes reveal of their character, intelligence, and emotions? The novel gained great depth through the teamwork and camaraderie of Detective Krag and Detective Keller. Each has his distinctive approach to criminal investigations, bringing different perspectives, thoughts, and ideas on solving a crime. I liked the rich details of the city neighborhoods around the Abbey Montrose and the Abbey gardens. Sven Elvestad's descriptions of people and dialogues evoked the era in which the story is set and created a vivid atmosphere of the dangers and perils in pursuit of suspects and known criminals. The Final Days of Abbot Montrose is absorbing, gritty, and twisty, and a terrific read.