The Gate

Fiction - Horror
274 Pages
Reviewed on 08/07/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

Two college buddies who are on the verge of graduating, Kyle Detwiler and Bryan Armstrong, win the contest to be in The Specters Slayers, a paranormal reality show for one night. They get to join the investigation team at the haunted Danver Church, where legend has it that the man who purchased the church forty years before, Charles Danver, massacred all his friends there. Joined by Katie Upshaw, a famous horror novelist, the team has no idea that they will get more than they bargain for. A chilling horror novel, The Gate is written by Jason Brant.

Kyle is the type of character that I don’t like; a lazy jock who thinks he’s God’s gift to women, and always brings trouble to their friends. Subsequently, the college age of the two main characters made me feel as if I’m reading a young adult novel, which somewhat dampens the excitement. Nevertheless, it didn't take the story that long to really grab my interest and I absolutely loved the plot. Author Jason Brant definitely shows that this genre is his area of expertise. It is fast-paced, entertaining, and definitely has a great spine chilling quality that will satisfy hardcore fans of the genre. The sarcastic description of the paranormal team is hilarious and does ring some realistic facts about ghost hunting shows.

Overall, I dare say that The Gate has a better quality than any Stephen King’s works that I've read before. I intend to read Brant's other works and I’m confident that they won’t disappoint me.