The Gentlemen Procurers

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
405 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ronél Steyn for Readers' Favorite

John D. Pepe brings us another epic fantasy in The Gentlemen Procurers. After their heroic efforts in Dacturn, King Harthhold grants Caladin and Quinn pardons for all their crimes, proven and unproven. The cousins now find themselves in Durlis, contracted to steal shipping information from Baron Ecklon. Soon after, they join forces with the Wolves to save the city of Laumberden from the evil clutches of the Vykosch priest Hadur and the beautiful, but lethal Red Boar, Noxaura, and her army. From necromancers to shadow-weavers and monsters made of death, the cousins fight for a purpose as well as gold. Will they be able to survive the traitor in their midst or will the final battle with the formidable Noxaura prove too much for the cousins?

Author John D. Pepe has created a maze of twists and turns with the plot in this book. Perfectly choreographed skirmishes and witty dialogue will keep you turning page after page. Sensory stimulation is abundant and will have you in the middle of every scene. Characters are likable and filled with personality that will have you rolling your eyes in understanding. Even though The Gentlemen Procurers can be read as a stand-alone, I recommend first reading The Lone Wolf. I loved the tiny nuggets of insight regarding the cousins’ childhood. Suitable for young adult readers and fans of fantasy alike, this book will not disappoint. The ending leaves room for more adventures and I look forward to finding out what the cousins get up to next.