The Ghost Queen

Welcome To My Life

Non-Fiction - Anthology
78 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

The Ghost Queen: Welcome To My Life by Bella Masala is a candid memoir that explores relationships, sexual intimacy, and self-discovery through a series of personal stories. Bella talks about her journey with love, heartbreak, and painful childhood memories. Despite embracing her femininity and desire for closeness, Bella discloses the different instances that helped her understand her fear of committing. Her break-up with Andrew was the major catalyst for her wake-up call. The book is divided into sections, each representing a turning point or event that shaped her, stressing the importance of self-acceptance despite past chaos. Bella ultimately challenges readers to consider their encounters with closeness and emotional distancing.

The Ghost Queen: Welcome To My Life is an insightful story that highlights the effects of trauma on personal relationships and self-perception. Bella Masala's memoir powerfully illustrates how every person is conditioned to react based on their experiences. The story reveals the emotional turmoil of child abuse and growing up without a father figure, the impact it has on romantic relationships, and the consequences of ghosting others as a coping mechanism. By thoughtfully dissecting her relationships and the underlying traumas that influenced her, the author encourages readers to confront their emotional barriers. The narration is honest, raw, and poetic, going into detail about her decisions and thoughts. This added authenticity to the book and highlighted the cathartic nature of writing. The book is unapologetically explicit, urging readers to confront uncomfortable truths while addressing the delicate balance of vulnerability and emotional protection. Overall, this is a thought-provoking story that will encourage you to reflect on your own experiences with love, loss, and self-acceptance, prompting a deeper understanding of how past traumas shape current relationships.