The Ghosts of Nothing

The Weird and the Wicked Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
381 Pages
Reviewed on 08/12/2024
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Author Biography

Cecily has been writing since she was a girl. She wrote her first book when she was twelve, an 88 page novella about a girl who could fly like Peter Pan. She has loved fantasy and storytelling ever since. With a background as a screenwriter, Cecily was behind the script of the award-winning short film, The Monster Within directed by Ghislain Ouellet, as well as being the head writer of the game Away: The Survival Series. When she isn’t writing, she’s moonlighting as YouTuber Scary Fairy Godmother. On her channel she narrates fairy stories for her enthusiastic viewers and weaves an atmosphere of magic and mystery.

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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sadiyah Bhamjee for Readers' Favorite

Get drawn into Cecily Walters’ eerie world in The Ghosts of Nothing: The Weird and the Wicked Book 1. The town of Nothing is haunted and the townsfolk have always blamed the Morighan family. Nelly Morighan refuses to believe the rumors until she is surrounded by fairies. With this shocking discovery comes danger and the ones she loves need help. Nelly cannot save them by herself and seeks out the help of the fairies. With no other options, Nelly has to put all her trust in these strange creatures who seem to want more from her than she is willing to give. And when the past comes back to haunt them all, Nelly is not sure she can save everyone.

I love the fairies in The Ghosts of Nothing. They are not only haunting and beautiful, but earthy and clever with fascinating mechanisms. The fairies’ personalities are carefully fleshed out and I could see all the research and time that went into perfectly crafting each individual. The pacing slowed and built up the suspense and had me holding my breath and sitting right on the edge of my chair. Cecily Walters delivered wild adventures and thrilling plot twists after those moments of suspense. The character, Trouble, stole the show for me. Trouble is shrouded in mystery and there are tantalizing hints at an exciting backstory. I would love a sequel that reveals Trouble’s story. The Ghosts of Nothing keeps the feeling of eerie supernaturalness running smoothly throughout the book and I felt like I was in Nothing too.