The Ghosts of Whidbey Island

Fiction - Historical - Personage
398 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Ghosts of Whidbey Island by author Victoria Ventris Shea falls into the gothic, historical, and interpersonal drama genres. This engaging novel tells the tale of Isaac Ebey, the first permanent settler on Whidbey Island in the Pacific Northwest in 1850. Arriving with ambitions and a desire for adventure, Ebey is a farmer and lawyer seeking a new home for his family. As he forms relationships with the Skagit people, particularly Snetlum, a village leader, tensions arise between settlers and native tribes. Ebey must navigate the challenges of farming, territorial demands, his wife's health, and conflicts with the governor, all within the backdrop of a historical narrative intertwined with ghostly elements.

With historical research and imaginative storytelling, Victoria Ventris Shea has crafted a captivating immersion into the rich history and folklore of the Pacific Northwest. Shea expertly blends historical events with ghostly elements, creating a haunting, poignant narrative with confidence and smoothness. The characters, particularly Isaac Ebey and Snetlum, are intricately drawn; their struggles and relationships are characterized well with meaningful dialogue that really gives a sense of period and attitude. The vivid descriptions of Whidbey Island are also gorgeously penned with evocative imagery, transporting readers to the rugged landscapes and turbulent times of the mid-19th century. As the narrative unfolds at a steady and entertaining pace, the intertwining of historical events and supernatural occurrences creates a sense of unease and mystery, keeping readers engaged until the very end. Overall, The Ghosts of Whidbey Island is a compelling blend of history, folklore, and human drama, and I would not hesitate to recommend it.