The Girl with Three Birthdays

An Adopted Daughter's Memoir of Tiaras, Tough Truths, and Tall Tales

Non-Fiction - Memoir
240 Pages
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In her memoir The Girl with Three Birthdays, Patti Eddington shares her adoption story, revealing that she accepted her older half-sister's account that a social worker facilitated her adoption from her biological mother, Lois. However, an aunt later contradicted this, stating Lois had handed Patti directly to her adoptive family in a soiled blanket. This discrepancy prompted Eddington to reconsider how truth and memory shift over time. Eddington describes her adoptive parents, James and Mildred, who managed a modest income and a stable home environment. Her search for her biological family through uncovered details about her biological mother Lois and father Ramon Lopez. Eddington’s journey included obtaining adoption records, legal issues related to her father's ashes, and taking life head-on through loss and the impact of her heritage.

Patti Eddington excels in exploring complex emotions related to adoption, identity, and familial relationships in her memoir, The Girl with Three Birthdays. Eddington does well in depicting her emotional highs and lows with exceptional introspection, and in doing so creates an almost immediate connection with readers. By sharing her vulnerabilities, fears, and moments of joy with complete honesty, Eddington creates a sense of genuine intimacy. Naturally, I was drawn in by the reconciling of her identity and adoption, and all that came up on the journey to finding her origins, and in uncovering the truth of her biological roots. It's interesting how Eddington is raw in the shift from denial to a fervent quest for understanding, exploring the emotional turbulence and resolution in embracing one's full self—whoever that is, was, or is to become. The writing is clean, straightforward, conversational, often humorous and always moving, and a pleasure to read. Very highly recommended.