The God Protocol


Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
305 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In The God Protocol: Worshippers by D. L. Wilburn Jr. Earth was readjusting to its position in the cosmos, and governments were preoccupied with ensuring their survival. The worshippers of Enlil held that we were created to be like the Anunnaki, a technologically advanced civilization that had defeated mortality. By offering supplies and restoring infrastructure in impoverished areas, the Worshippers increased their power. In his prime-time broadcast, George Isaacson challenged the Worshippers' dominance to expose their genuine motivations. Genetics expert Dr. Vasana Kaur piqued Genetticca's curiosity with her thoughts on gene transcription and its potential to transform medicine. Dr. Kaur was shown the key to unlocking the primary code encoding all life on Earth, which represented the entrance to a broader area of study.

The God Protocol: Worshippers is the second book in this series. D.L. Wilburn Jr. skillfully combines themes of genetic engineering and DNA manipulation with the mystery surrounding the Anunnaki. The story takes place against a backdrop of uncertainty around the world and gains complexity from George Isaacson's attempt to uncover the underlying motivations amid apathy from governments. This book was difficult to put down because of its deep investigation of existential topics, compelling writing, and well-drawn characters. There were many unexpected turns and twists in this intriguing plot. The suspense steadily increased, and the pacing was well managed. My attention was captured by the author's masterful blend of science fiction and suspense. It exceeded my expectations by far. Anyone looking for an exciting and thought-provoking read should pick up this book.