The Goodbye Girls

Putting the fun in funerals

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
217 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

The Goodbye Girls: Putting the Fun in Funerals by Juliet Mary Domvile is a gripping novel about grief, friendship, love, and funerals. It follows Aislin Fitzgerald, a thirty-year-old who moves back to her hometown and tries to put her life back together after alienating some important people and losing her job. Drowning in guilt and anxiety, Aislin returns to the person who had raised her since she was three: her grandmother. She has no job prospects or future, but after some events and meeting Sarah, her former best friend, they both see an opportunity and decide to start a funeral planning business. Shortly after, Aislin and Sarah learn that their first gig as the Goodbye Girls is the funeral for a murdered biker, a member of the local biker club. Will Aislin regret coming back home? 

Juliet Mary Domvile has created a unique, entertaining, and touching story that any reader would enjoy. The Goodbye Girls tackles the realities of loss, grief, failed friendships and relationships, love, starting over, and a business with wit, heart, charm, and humor. I just loved every moment of it. It was unexpected, totally engrossing, and fun. It is sure to please readers looking for an unforgettable and entertaining adventure. This story stands out as it's about a turtle owner and funeral planner with a mercurial temperament who is at a crisis point in her life. It combines gossip, heartfelt and relatable struggles, and family and community drama, evoking deep emotions and inviting adventure. Aislin Fitzgerald is relatable regarding her struggles with her grandmother, hometown people, and finding her purpose.