The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1

The Abductee Chronicles

Young Adult - Sci-Fi
265 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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Author Biography

D.B. Gibb is the debut author of the science fiction novel, The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume I. He studied international relations and Chinese in college, and later completed graduate work in international trade. Enriched by his extensive travels and fascination with history, politics, culture, and the human condition, D.B. Gibb weaves compelling narratives that transport readers to diverse worlds.

Born in Salt Lake City, he spent his formative years in Southern California before eventually returning to his Utah roots. Throughout his adult life, D.B. has called Hong Kong, Taiwan, Texas, and Virginia home, yet he consistently finds himself drawn back to the scenic mountains and red rock deserts of Utah.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

The Heroes of February 22nd is the first book in D. B. Gibb's The Abductee Chronicles. This enthralling young adult sci-fi tale merges alien abduction, supernatural abilities, and government intrigue. It is the captivating journey of fourteen-year-old Zach Davidson, a black bisexual teen in rural Utah, whose life transforms dramatically after he and his friends Wilkie and Liza are abducted by extraterrestrial beings. Awakening in a desolate wilderness hundreds of miles from home, the trio is thrust into an enigmatic realm where forgotten memories collide with newfound abilities. Their minds are blank, save for the discovery that they now possess supernatural gifts. Zach, Wilkie, and Liza must navigate a treacherous landscape where alien empires vie for dominion over Earth, using unwitting humans as pawns. As they struggle to unravel the mysteries of their abduction, the trio is drawn deeper into a clandestine world of intrigue and peril, where their powers hold the key to shaping the fate of humanity. With each step toward civilization, they find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and deception, unsure of whom to trust in a game where the stakes are nothing less than the future of their world.

The first thing that caught my attention when I started reading The Heroes of February 22nd was the author’s gift for character. Zach is a broken and flawed character who instantly wins readers' sympathy. He was abandoned by his father and raised by a single mom who works three jobs to make ends meet. Zach is intelligent and hardworking, but his life changes instantly because of events beyond his control. The author builds intrigue steadily as the novel progresses, leaving readers guessing at every turn of the narrative. Themes of self-discovery, empowerment, and unity are exceptionally explored in this riveting tale. The fast-paced plot and short chapters make the story even more enjoyable, brimming with unexpected twists as the trio faces rival alien factions and covert government agencies. D. B. Gibb uses Zach's encounters and the camaraderie of the group to examine issues about identity, acceptance, and the power of friendship. From the eerie encounter of World War II airmen near Blue Lake to the moonlit escapades of Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff, each scene is vividly portrayed, blurring the lines between reality and the unknown. Gibb's adept storytelling engages readers, whether seasoned sci-fi enthusiasts or newcomers to the genre.

Parul Sood

The Heroes of February 22nd: The Abductee Chronicles by D. B. Gibb is a YA science fiction novel that seamlessly merges the mystery of extraterrestrial encounters with the personal hardships of youth. The story revolves around fourteen-year-old Zach Davidson, a black, bisexual teenager trying to make his mark in a predominantly white, rural Utah town. His life takes an extraordinary turn when he and his friends, Wilkie and Liza, are abducted by aliens during a night at Blue Lake. The trio awakens miles away with no memory of their abduction. As they realize later, it was not just a simple abduction but some experiment that gave them superpowers. They are plunged into a secret world where alien empires vie for control of Earth through human proxies.

In The Heroes of February 22nd, D.B. Gibb’s story stands out for its inclusivity, echoing the spirit of Star Trek. This rare achievement in the sci-fi genre adds depth to Zach's journey, transforming it into a profound exploration of self-discovery and acceptance. The novel’s sophistication lies in its seamless integration of sci-fi popular culture, making it both entertaining and thought-provoking. The intricate plot and well-developed characters do justice to the reluctant hero trope navigating a complex web of alien and human alliances. The author offers a fresh take on the genre by combining action, suspense, and emotional depth. This is a good read for those who enjoy alternative history and science fiction, memorable not only for its refreshing plot but also for its emotional and inclusive storytelling.

Demetria Head

The Heroes of February 22nd, the first book in The Abductee Chronicles by D.B. Gibb, opens with a bang, introducing readers to Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff, three teenage friends on an unforgettable moonlit adventure at Blue Lake in Tooele County, Utah. Their night begins with an exciting trek across a muddy landscape, where the challenges of friendship and resilience come to life as Zach gets stuck in quicksand. Enter Liza, a mysterious girl who adds a fresh dynamic to their group, sparking adolescent banter and a sense of looming adventure as they dive into the eerie waters of the lake. The vivid details of Blue Lake shine through with the descriptions of sulfuric smells and treacherous quicksand setting a hauntingly familiar yet tantalizingly unknown backdrop for readers. The whispers of a mysterious past event and the chilling tale of the Blue Lake Monster infuse the story with layers of suspense and anticipation, preparing readers for a thrilling ride.

D.B. Gibb masterfully transitions from earthly struggles to cosmic adventures, satisfying fans of sci-fi while drawing curious readers in with relatable characters and thrilling, unpredictable twists. The interactions between Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff delve into deeper issues of identity, loyalty, and personal growth, with Wilkie's martial arts background and Zach's struggle with his physical and emotional insecurities adding complexity to their personalities. The inclusion of notable quotes from famous figures subtly hinting at the events to unfold in each chapter provides a tantalizing glimpse into the deeper themes and future twists, enriching the story. Whether you're a seasoned sci-fi fan or new to the genre, the blend of personal growth, camaraderie, and cosmic adventure in The Heroes of February 22nd will leave you eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series.

Essien Asian

Zach, Jeff, and Wilkie are hiking with their scout troop when they decide to take some time to enjoy themselves at Blue Lake, where they meet Liza. In the middle of their adventure, they black out and wake up in a cave at the Book Cliffs, two months later and two hundred miles away from their original location, each with a unique gift. They return to a world where alien races make themselves known to the governments of Earth, and a few individuals collaborate with them to further their diverse agendas. The youths' new abilities attract the aliens' attention, but they do not realize that behind the facade of progress and unity is an age-long battle with Earth as the prize. Zach and his friends must find their way in this new world, discerning friend from foe to save the planet from a harrowing fate in D.B. Gibb's The Heroes Of February 22nd, Volume 1.

In The Heroes Of February 22nd, D.B. Gibb bridges the gap between conventional science fiction, in which we believe we are not alone, and reality, with the expectation that potential alien races will eventually find reasons to align with us for the good of all parties involved. Many well-known catchphrases from pop culture icons occur throughout the adventure, as the author subtly honors these forerunners in the dialogue between the characters. Gibb does a fantastic job of character development by taking the time to explain the history of each alien faction and subtly revealing their reasons for wanting to secure Earth. The human factions also follow this same procedure. Gibb builds up the pace gradually, highlighting each significant find with a minor increase until the concluding chapters where the action flows in a breakneck pace. The distinctive storytelling style employs timeline jumps and captivating narration to evoke the feeling of an adventure where everything seems to be happening at once. With subplots based on topics ranging from alternative realities and time jumping to good old-fashioned romance, Gibb creates the perfect mix for an immersive read that science fiction genre enthusiasts will not put down in a hurry.

K.C. Finn

The Heroes of February 22nd is a work of fiction in the science fiction, adventure, and action genres, and is the opening volume of The Abductee Chronicles. Penned by author D. B. Gibb for young adult readers, the plot centers on fourteen-year-old Zach Davidson and his friends Wilkie and Liza, who are abducted by aliens after witnessing UFOs at Blue Lake. Awakening with supernatural abilities, they navigate a clandestine world of competing extraterrestrial empires and shadow government organizations vying for control over Earth. As they grapple with their newfound powers and the complexities of intergalactic politics, they must decide which faction, if any, to align with to prevent Earth's conquest.

With fantastic world-building and imagination, D. B. Gibb crafts a thrilling adventure into the realm of science fiction, alien action, and conspiracy drama. The plot is well-paced and layered with strong elements of alternative history, which enables the alien abduction plot to feel more credible and raises the stakes of the drama even higher. The government intrigue is suitably complex but never too overwhelming and is explained through dialogue and context to create a gripping narrative that keeps YA readers on the edge of their seats. The characters' journey of self-discovery and moral dilemmas follows a great emotional arc that is more intense as we get to know the central cast, offering a compelling exploration of identity, power, and responsibility in the face of overwhelming odds. This is further enhanced with great dialogue touches that felt credibly age-appropriate for the cast and did a great job of adding extra layers to their attitudes and personalities. Overall, The Heroes of February 22nd is a highly recommended, captivating read that seamlessly blends action-packed thrills with thought-provoking themes and quality writing.

Manik Chaturmutha

The Heroes of February 22nd by D. B. Gibb is an exciting novel that seamlessly blends elements of suspense, sci-fi, and emotional drama. The story follows a group of friends, Wilkie, Zach, and Jeff, on an unexpected adventure to Blue Lake, where they meet a mysterious girl named Liza. Their disappearance leads to a massive search and a gripping adventure involving extraterrestrial beings, bear encounters, and a struggle for survival. As things heat up, the group deals with moral dilemmas and personal struggles, all while facing a series of eerie and suspenseful events. They end up at the Stigler Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, getting entangled in a dangerous conspiracy. Amidst psychological manipulation, alien conspiracies, and interdimensional beings, the story explores existential themes and ends in a dramatic and thought-provoking way.

The modern-day setting, underscored by the mysterious UFO encounter at Blue Lake, creates a thrilling backdrop for the characters' journey of self-discovery and each chapter deepens the intrigue. The structure is well-organized, and smooth chapter transitions create a continuous flow of suspense and intrigue. D. B. Gibb's descriptive and immersive writing style effectively conveys an adventurous tone. The dialogue is natural, adding to the authenticity of the characters' interactions. The characters have been developed with distinct personalities and emotional arcs. Wilkie's leadership, Zach's resilience, and Liza's compassion are highlighted through their interactions and individual challenges. Their responses to survival dilemmas and personal conflicts further explore the emotional depth. The story brilliantly intertwines advanced medical technology with a gripping narrative, drawing readers into the intense surgical scene where every detail feels incredibly researched. The unexpected twist of Wilkie's near-death experience opens up a surreal exploration of a dystopian future, adding a speculative fiction layer that keeps you hooked. The author masterfully balances emotional depth with high stakes, particularly in the poignant scenes of Liza's discoveries and Wilkie's experience. The author's creativity and depth are evident in the emotional storytelling that makes the book unique and engaging. The Heroes of February 22nd not only entertains but also invites readers to ponder deeper existential questions, setting the stage for an exciting continuation in the next volume.

Chandan Bisht

The Abduction Chronicles: February 22nd Heroes Volume 1 by D.B. Gibb is a science fiction thriller that delves into the lives of a group of ordinary individuals thrust into extraordinary circumstances. Without warning, a mysterious alien force abducts many people from different parts of the world. As they come to terms with their new reality, they realize that they have been chosen for a special mission that could determine the fate of humanity. The story weaves together their struggles, discoveries, and their journey to becoming unexpected heroes. Each character brings a unique perspective and skill set, making their collective journey interesting and unpredictable.

The Abductee Chronicles was nothing short of thrilling. D.B. Gibb expertly blends suspense, action, and emotion to create a story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. There is a standout moment when the characters realize that the abduction is not just a random act but part of a larger plan to save Earth from an impending alien invasion So this twist adds depth and urgency to the story. Another surprise is the development of the characters. For instance, Liza, a college student with no prior combat experience, emerges as a strategic leader who inspires others with courage and resilience. The pacing is well-balanced, leading to intense action and moments of introspection that deepen the reader’s relationship with the characters. Gibb's writing is clear and descriptive, painting pictures of both the characters' environments and emotions. Gibb’s unique take and character-driven approach make it feel fresh and exciting. This book is a must-read for science fiction fans and anyone who enjoys a good story.

Jefto Pierre

Teenagers Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff indulge in a late-night fishing excursion in the Utah desert. The boys meet a girl named Liza and spot UFO activity in the distance. The scene cuts to them waking up in a cave hundreds of miles away from civilization, with no memory of what happened. In time, they stumble upon several surprising discoveries. First, they now have superhuman abilities. Second, the earth has been invaded by different alien factions that are using humans to further their ultimate agenda—world domination. Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff wade through a series of lies, mysteries, and conspiracies to uncover the key players involved in these alien factions. With their newly discovered powers, they must fight to protect the earth. Will they succeed? Their journey has just begun. Open The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1 by D. B. Gibb, and join the adventure.

The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1 is a multifaceted treasure trove that merges science fiction and social elements. It touches on UFOs, alien abductions, futuristic societies, advanced technology, diverse eras, different cultures, social issues, various human perspectives, politics, philosophy, and history. The final result is a gripping sci-fi adventure heightened by alien invasion, government intrigue, and an epic coming-of-age story. Zach, Wilkie, Jeff, and Liza undergo many self-discoveries and defining moments through their interaction with each other and the other characters they meet along the way. D. B. Gibb expertly explores humor, vulnerability, and insecurity through the well-crafted dialogue among the teens. YA fans will connect with these authentic and resilient characters. Sci-fi fans will be left captivated and wanting more. I'm already anxiously awaiting Volume 2.

Frank Mutuma

In The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1 by D. B. Gibb, something strange happens that affects people across places; the sighting of UFOs and subsequent disappearances of various people. Zach, Jeff, and Wilkie had gone swimming when the strange event occurred. They wake to find themselves trapped in a canyon together with Liza, whom they had met at the lake. In another twist of events, Wilkie finds himself held captive without knowing what happened to his friends. Who are the Dumal and the Chajehit, and what is their involvement in these strange events?

The suspense in The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1 kept me on the edge of my seat, and I could not wait to find out what would happen in the subsequent chapters as twists and turns in the intricately woven plotline unraveled. The themes covered of time travel, aliens, and other dimensions were all fascinating, and the thought-provoking concepts got me thinking about the possibility of other life in the universe. The characters were well-developed, and the excellent narration also added to the overall beauty of this wonderful work. Readers will appreciate Gibbs's efforts in making sure all the events and places were vividly described, hence helping create a mental picture of what was happening. I look forward to reading more by D. B. Gibb.

Richard Prause

The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1 by D. B. Gibb, is a sensational YA sci-fi novel that follows the exploits of 14-year-old Zach and his friends. Zach, Wilkie, and Jeff are out on a nightly camping adventure and are joined by newcomer Liza. After witnessing UFOs in the area, the friends undergo an unexpected alien abduction and awake miles from home without any memory of their extraterrestrial encounter. Shockingly, they discover that they have acquired newfound superhuman powers. After returning to civilization, they gradually learn that aliens have infiltrated Earth and seek to dominate it. The friends try to uncover what happened on the night of their abduction. Their investigation gradually puts them in the direct path of various alien-human factions and their different agendas. Zach and his friends must discover the truth hidden behind the lies and discern who they can trust. With the world's fate hanging in the balance, they will need to pick a side--soon.

In The Heroes of February 22nd, Volume 1, D. B. Gibb skillfully weaves elements like race, culture, sociopolitical issues, timelines, and worlds to help the main characters (and readers) learn more about themselves, their loved ones, and the collective human condition. Through the complex themes covered in this novel, readers will soon realize that Gibb designed this enthralling tale to be thought-provoking as much as it needs to be action-packed and exciting. The well-developed characters, incredible world-building, and intricate human-alien alliances create a captivating storyline that will keep readers riveted. The author successfully combines action, mystery, and relatable human experiences to intensify the impactful and emotional storytelling. This novel is a must-read for those who enjoy sci-fi books that include coming-of-age themes and alternate timelines.