The Last Single Couple in America

Fiction - LGBTQ
389 Pages
Reviewed on 05/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Golder Hazelton for Readers' Favorite

The Last Single Couple in America by Martin Sacchetti is an utterly delightful and occasionally zany account of two years in the life of Jude Giacolone – gay, attracted to anything with a pulse, about to turn thirty, unsure of his purpose in life, having more sex than most of us will see in our natural lives, dealing with his eclectic bunch of neuroses-laden friends, clubbing, and generally on the fast track to becoming the world’s oldest Lost Boy in the surrounds of Albany (“Smallbany”), New York City and, eventually, San Francisco. His epic journey is told in a series of seventy-three chapters that read more like vignettes, each one capable of standing on its own as a perfect little story but also impeccably woven into the larger fabric of the narrative. Sacchetti has a prodigious gift for character description, offering complete pictures of large and complex personalities in only a few magically chosen words. He also has an impeccable ear for dialogue. The conversations between Jude and his best friend Francine are so real that they seem to be almost cinematic, happening in real time before our eyes.

The Last Single Couple in America is hugely entertaining, but also deeply probing. Martin Sacchetti is not afraid to tackle some of the social issues of contemporary gay life, which adds a layer of profound humanity to his characters. Readers will feel as if they are actually living as a nearly-thirty gay man in the mid-1990s, making the story as educational as it is entertaining. Another marvelous feature is the soundtrack woven in and around the vignettes. Sacchetti’s knowledge of 1980s and 90s music is encyclopedic, and he has an uncanny gift for inserting the perfect song in any given moment to anchor the action taking place. The effect is that the text becomes interactive as readers hear each song playing in their heads. The Last Single Couple in America is a marvelous seriocomic achievement, sure to be appreciated by all readers looking for a bright, breezy, and yet deeply touching escape from the doldrums of everyday life.