The Lazarus Syndrome

Why Can't I Die? A collection of resuscitations, revivals, NDEs & OBEs Featuring

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
210 Pages
Reviewed on 07/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Jaime Reyes shares his stories and others about auto resuscitation in his book, The Lazarus Syndrome. From infancy to older age, Reyes experienced the phenomenon many times during his life. He details the incidents and discusses other, similar situations where those thought to have died have spontaneously reawakened. In the first section of the book, Reyes includes information about near-death experiences, Elon Musk's Neuralink, and cryopreservation. He supplies details about a longevity study in which he is a participant. Reyes also outlines historical and modern-day revivals and the statistics surrounding life expectancy after auto resuscitation. In the second part, the author covers his time in the military during the Vietnam War and his brushes with death and rounds out the memoir with details about his law enforcement career.

Jaime Reyes intrigues readers with this topic and satiates their curiosity about the subject, even though he speaks about certain events that are still somewhat unexplainable. The conversational approach allows readers to follow along easily as he details experiences related to the material. Like me, you may have read some instances of individuals suddenly awakening after physicians pronounced them dead. However, it seems the occurrence is more common than I believed before reading the book. In addition to the uncanny instances during his life, the author includes how to graduate college early, information which could be very useful for college students. If you have struggled after a similar situation, Reyes's words may provide comfort that you are not alone. Readers who enjoy medical mysteries and straightforward narration will love The Lazarus Syndrome.