The Madonna Dilemma

A Comedic Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - General
398 Pages
Reviewed on 09/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bernadette Longu for Readers' Favorite

The Madonna Dilemma by Aaron T. Knight takes place in the present time in the United States. It takes you from Los Angeles to the other side of Cedar City and to the tropical island of Waka Waka. The main characters are Sheriff Potter, Sergeant Bivens, Sergeant Andrew for the LAPD, Lieutenant O’Keefe, Detective Zack Parrish, and Captain Lundgren. Other characters that form part of the story are a very dead art dealer, Mr. Perrine, and his wife Angelique, Richard Riley his partner, William Horton, and Mr. Gray Slater. All these characters in their own inept way seem to bring everything together to solve the crime of the death of the art dealer, along with some other crimes that rear their heads.

What a delightfully hilarious murder mystery! Aaron T. Knight has taken a tried and tested theme and brought a whole new perspective to a detective/murder mystery. From the first page to the last, the reader will find themselves either smiling, laughing, or reading on in astonishment at the goings-on of the main characters. The Madonna Dilemma is a well-written book that is a pleasure to read. The author brings to life all the characters in their own unique way so that by the end of the book, you realize that they are only human. Aaron T. Knight makes the reader realize that we too are only human and we also react and work in different ways. It is a delightful book and I got a tremendous amount of enjoyment and quite a few good laughs out of the characters and how they reach the conclusions to their problems. This light-hearted book is well worth reading!