The Magical Children

Children - Concept
50 Pages
Reviewed on 09/09/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Magical Children is a children's picture book by Eliana Habalian. Inspired by Native American folklore, the book follows a group of friends who also happen to be magical children. One day when one of them -- Sophie -- a special child who has trouble communicating, looks sad, Mathew encourages the rest to learn the reason why and work toward making Sophie happy again. A sensitive and compassionate child, Sophie reveals she is sad because her mother was sad after losing her favorite red rose. Determined to find the red rose for Sophie's mother, the magical children start thinking of ways, when out of the blue, a Native American child called Umi, a bunny, and an Easter egg arrive to help guide them. Now, the friends embark on a quest where they will soon be joined by different animals to help them along their way.

Eliana Habalian's fable is about unconditional love and how it transcends language and other barriers to connect people through their hearts. Drawing inspiration from Native American culture, the author tells a heartwarming story that children will find themselves immersed in from the first page onward. The characters are kind, sensitive, and compassionate, and much like children, they help each other by showing empathy and understanding that sometimes adults tend to lose as they grow older. Habalian's artwork brings the characters to life and makes the story all the more impactful. I absolutely loved The Magical Children and highly recommend parents to introduce it to their children.

Diana Lopez

The Magical Children: Looking for the Lost Red Rose will help children to recognize the meaning of freedom, happiness, and love. The story begins with Sophie, a little girl who cannot speak. That doesn't stop her from expressing herself because she knows the language of the heart. One day she feels unhappy and her friends, the other magical children, want to understand the reason. They discover Sophie is sad because her mother, Victoria, had lost a special red rose. Sophie, accompanied by her twin brother Andrés and the other magical children, search for the lost red rose. On the way, they meet a Umi, a Native American guide who helps them to cross a mystical path. In doing this, the children experience situations where they face their fears and discover that they are capable of achieving great goals. In this way, Eliana Habalian teaches young readers lessons that will help them grow.

The Magical Children includes creative drawings. Its theme encourages collaboration between children, showing that teamwork helps to overcome difficulties, which is why I found it a great read. Children will see the importance of feeling love for nature, friends, family, and everything around them. Eliana Habalian presents a technique that focuses on following instincts and finding fulfillment by helping others. She demonstrates that no difficulty should keep people from following their desire to pursue happiness. I also liked the example of healthy coexistence among children. Through this, children will be motivated to cooperate and seek to enjoy their adventures together.

E. Delgado

Beautiful story