The Man Called X

Eye of the Storm

Fiction - Science Fiction
132 Pages
Reviewed on 08/07/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kayti Nika Raet for Readers' Favorite

After a brief introduction into Detective Millcrowe's superhero past, The Man Called X: Eye of the Storm opens very much like the beginning of a movie with a noted scientist being swallowed up by a mysterious storm in the middle of a busy Detroit street. Detective Thomas Millcrowe is put on the case along with his new partner, former London girl and top notch investigator, Alyssa Zeno (I imagined her looking like Freema Agyeman from Law and Order UK). Already exchanging flirty banter, they head to Prometheus Labs, science leader and one of the reasons behind Detroit's current upswing.

But what was first thought to be an ordinary kidnapping grows stranger by the minute as genetic mutations are involved and the dead come back to life. Finally things get strange enough to involve Detective Millcrowe's alter ego and titular hero X. Using his psychic abilities and comic book superpowers, Thomas must solve the kidnapping and save Detroit from the storm of the century.

In his author bio, Mr. Readus says that superhero comics are a big inspiration for him and it definitely shows. The Man Called X reminded me of a cross between Static Shock and a very condensed Easy Rawlins. With its fast, electrifying pace, sexy lady cop, and epic mid-air battles, I can definitely imagine it on the big screen with its own spin off graphic novels popping up at the nearest comic book store. This is sure to be a hit with any die-hard comic fan.