The Memory Thief

A Novel

Fiction - Drama
432 Pages
Reviewed on 03/16/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristie Ingerto for Readers' Favorite

“The Memory Thief” is the debut novel of Emily Colin and she is definitely an author to watch as this is a stunning debut work! Maddie lost her husband when he was killed climbing a mountain. Maddie had a bad feeling about this climb before he left, but Aidan promised he would return to his wife and their son; however, that did not happen. Maddie is trying hard to deal with the death and also trying to sort out her feelings for Aidan’s best friend J.C. J.C. is also struggling as not only did he survive the hike, but he has been in love with Maddie for years. Nicholas has awoken from a motorcycle crash and is having dreams about a woman and her son; he cannot get them out of his head. As these individuals’ lives all intertwine, they all learn lessons about love, grief and moving on.

This story changes perspective frequently as it is told from three points of view: Maddie’s, Nicholas’s and Aidan’s; however, this did not disrupt the flow of the story or cause confusion for me while reading it. I found that the changing of perspective gave me additional insight into the characters. The author writes with such emotion that the characters came alive in the book and I felt as if I was experiencing their emotions right along with them at times. Maddie is an enjoyable character to read about and spend time with and I found myself empathizing with her as she is faced with having to make choices in her life and trying to deal with her grief while still living and caring for her son. This book is just filled with so much depth and is written so well; I am looking forward to seeing what else this author writes in the future.